Because all presidential candidates PROVIDED THEM.
See the degree of STUPID DUMB?
The argument has zero merit since it has nothing to do with the situation at hand.
Why would you request what you already were given WITHOUT REQUESTING THEM?
Well that's the level of STUPID DUMB "thinking". Sadly millions will buy it. And so it goes. STUPID DUMB reigns forever.
If I were running for office I would not release mine. It never helps a candidate.
It is just ammo for the other side.
Candidate my2cents only paid X% of tax. But her secretary and the average citizen pays XX% more of there income in taxes.
Or candidate my2cents did not contribute very much of her income to charity compared to the average citizen.
Nope, they would not get them. And I would sure the fire out of anyone who leaked them or published them. Law is quoted in Walt O'Reagun answer above.