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Would it be good????


Would it be GOOD to:

1) RID ourselves of the filibuster,
2) PASS massive infrastructure,
3) PROTECT voter rights,
4) END police unions,
5) REVAMP the police,
6) PASS the Green New Deal,
7) MAKE college free,
8) END homelessness,
9) MANDATE vaccination and mask wearing,
10) END the drug war,
11) PASS Medicare for all,
12) END gerrymandering forever,

and PAY for all this with a massive tax upon the 1%.. 

Yeah..  Would that be good?


Posted - August 12, 2021


  • 44746
    By George, I think you've got it.
      August 12, 2021 4:23 PM MDT

  • 11384
    It would be good except for #10 ending the drug war - they  have to keep that war going untill it is won. Cheers!
      August 12, 2021 5:50 PM MDT

  • 19937
    I'm okay with all of these, and I would add that taxing mega corporations which pay little tax is a must.  Companies like Amazon, Facebook, Google, many big banks, etc. get away with paying so little tax that it's unconscionable.
      August 12, 2021 6:40 PM MDT

  • 6023
    How do you propose to do #8?  (end homelessness)

    No, college should not be free.  At least not in its current form.
    I could see having community service rather than tuition.  That is not getting college for free, as it's a form of "sweat equity".
      August 13, 2021 12:51 PM MDT

  • 3907
    Hello Walt:

    Sweat equity????  Nah...  It's an INVESTMENT..  Educated people produce MORE than uneducated people do.  When people produce more, the standard of living goes up for everybody..

      August 14, 2021 9:43 AM MDT

  • 6023
    I could debate that.
    How many people get "worthless" college degrees?
    How many college degrees can only be used to teach those subjects?
    Why should taxpayers subsidize either of those situations?

    No - people should pay for their higher education in some way.
    If not through money, then by directly using that education for the benefit of society.
    And I don't mean getting an art degree and then using it to paint murals.  Art is a subjective benefit.  (What you may see as art, I may see as graffiti.)
      August 16, 2021 9:54 AM MDT