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When you were a child, what was the usual punishment you received when you screwed up?

I hated being grounded, but it was quite effective.

Posted - September 4, 2021


  • 10948
    Filling down the calluses on my Ukrainian Grandmothers feet. Actually I never got punished because I was pretty sneaky so I never got caught for anything. Cheers and happy weekend!  
      September 4, 2021 5:38 PM MDT

  • 53367


      (Filling Filing down)

      September 5, 2021 12:19 AM MDT

  • 10948
    What do you want for nothing? A rubber biscuit?
      September 5, 2021 8:52 AM MDT

  • 10052
    Completely unpredictable. Not ideal. 
      September 4, 2021 6:44 PM MDT

  • 17564
    As a little girl I didn't do anything to get in trouble  but I got spankings.  I often got spankings on Sunday because my mother, who sang in the choir leaving me to sit with my younger sister,  held me responsible if either of us were anything other than perfectly still and quiet small adults.   We lived next to the church and I would run home after church and put on long pants.  After I was too old to spank and my sister learned to behave in church, I don't remember getting into too much trouble.  I was never grounded. 
      September 4, 2021 7:02 PM MDT

  • 10557
    We had to watch Lawrence Welk and/or Billy Graham. 
      September 4, 2021 10:34 PM MDT

  • 53367


     “Randolph D Randall, no grammar textbooks for you until further notice, young man! Now you march yourself outside and go play with all the other children, invent games, climb trees, skip rocks, ride bicycles, build forts, go to the movies, eat too much popcorn and candy! Grrrrrrr.”

      It was torture, I barely survived it with my psyche intact.


      September 5, 2021 12:17 AM MDT

  • 13395
    Usually being yelled at, lectured or do extra chores and sometimes the black leather belt.
      September 5, 2021 12:59 AM MDT

  • 33805
      September 5, 2021 9:37 AM MDT

  • Papa always yelled at me.  Mama always gave me a dirty look.  I never had any other punishments.
      September 5, 2021 9:28 PM MDT