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What happened to Gabby Petito is tragic, but is anyone else tired of all the headlines about her?

Gabby Petito this, Gabby Petito that. All day, every day. Seems like some news outlets don't think anything else happening is newsworthy.

Posted - September 22, 2021


  • 23842
    I agree that what happened to her is tragic.

    My gut reaction to your question (and I hope I avoid overthinking and then delete), is "yes." Other similar tragic missing persons cases happen, yet, this particular one has been nonstop coverage it seems. I "get it" if it were all an Adult version of Amber Alerts kind of thing - - but why not  the same thing for all missing persons?

    (I noted that the Dr Phil Show had a very lengthy interview with Ms. Petito's dad. And, the entire time it was broadcast, over the screen was a "previously recorded" notice -- the original interview was done before Petito's body was found. Yet, after her body was found, that show rebroadcast what seemed to be the entire original interview. In context, and knowing that anyone watching knew her body had been found, rebroadcasting the original interview in its original format made little sense to me.)

      September 22, 2021 7:43 PM MDT

  • 53698


    “ . . . rebroadcasting the original interview in its original format made little sense to me.)”



      September 23, 2021 9:44 AM MDT

  • 10798
    I'm tired of hearing about it.  It is tragic and I don't mean to be cold, but why all the hype over this one person?  Besides, we all know her boyfriend did it.  
      September 22, 2021 9:55 PM MDT

  • 10052
    I must be doing an excellent job of avoiding headlines and news, because I have no idea who that is! 
      September 22, 2021 10:49 PM MDT

  • 13277
    It's been pretty hard to miss if you've seen any news anywhere.
      September 23, 2021 10:31 AM MDT

  • 10052
    I haven't. The only thing that I might have seen was something a week or so ago about a woman missing in a National Park, can't recall which one. It was on my Instagram feed, which is probably 95% nature-related. 

    It's not that I don't care about things, it really is that I care too much. 
      September 25, 2021 10:19 AM MDT

  • 44765
    You are fortunate.
      September 23, 2021 2:35 PM MDT

  • 10052
    I'm deliberate! And I am very fortunate to have enough in my immediate view and life to keep my energy focused on most of the time. 

      September 25, 2021 10:26 AM MDT

  • 23842
      September 23, 2021 6:11 PM MDT

  • 3135
    It's not often a killer leaves a trail of bread crumbs in the form of video and witnesses to himself.  
    That in itself makes it newsworthy. 

    This post was edited by Honey Dew at September 23, 2021 6:11 PM MDT
      September 23, 2021 3:59 AM MDT

  • 35077
    Media loves to overhype a story.  How they decide which to hype and which to ignore is interesting. 

    I have managed to avoid the story. Other than to hear "why the hype?" stories.
      September 23, 2021 6:03 AM MDT

  • 6023
    Anybody want to bet against me that there will be at least 2 movies about it?
      September 23, 2021 7:23 AM MDT

  • It's a known phenomenon: "missing white woman syndrome". Meanwhile other missing persons are almost entirely ignored. But a young, blond woman gone missing has a way of captivating the media and the public. 
      September 23, 2021 9:34 AM MDT

  • 53698


      Practically verbatim, you have summed up exactly what I would have written as my answer. Thank you. 


      September 23, 2021 9:41 AM MDT

  • 44765
    I agree.
      September 23, 2021 2:36 PM MDT

  • 44765
    People are idiots.
      September 23, 2021 2:37 PM MDT

  • 13277
    And, amazingly, idiots are people.
      September 23, 2021 4:15 PM MDT

  • 2706
    Yes, it is tragic. Yes, I am tired of hearing about it. But the media knows that morose redundancy sells news.
      September 23, 2021 12:18 PM MDT

  • 1817
    yes, especially because people go missing all the time and the media couldn't care less. I don't want to be THAT person, but we all know the only reason she is getting this much attention is because she is a young pretty white girl from a middle class family. 
      September 23, 2021 6:09 PM MDT

  • 17660
    Not so much.  The Laundrie family lives just a few miles from me.   I don't know them.  Since the girl was found and her death declared a homicide I've seen little about it in my reading.  I haven't watched local news.  There seems to be  no rule for what is turned into a big highly publicized case.  Or at least, I don't know what makes that determination when there are no celebrity players.  I don't believe it has anything to do with race, such as suggested by one dimwit MSNBC employee. This post was edited by Thriftymaid at September 24, 2021 5:50 PM MDT
      September 24, 2021 5:24 PM MDT