Discussion » Questions » Math » Challenge for Danny Petti (Others can help him with this also.)This should be super easy!

Challenge for Danny Petti (Others can help him with this also.)This should be super easy!

1. What temperature is twice as hot as 0°C?  Please give your answer in Celsius.

2. What temperature is twice as hot as 0°F?  Please give your answer in Fahrenheit.

3. What temperature is half as hot as 0°C?  Please give your answer in Celsius.

4.  What temperature is half as hot as 0°F?  Please give your answer in Fahrenheit.

5. Convert -40°C to °F.

6. Convert -40°F to °C.

Also, do Jaimie’s maze, please.

Posted - October 6, 2021


  • 3137
    Okay, maybe tomorrow or the next day after that.
    I have more to the maze puzzle to show Jaimie, the temp questions that I have to review(?), have several other replies to read in this thread, &  have to set another workpage for Martina. I may give Martina this today’s worksheet, & another worksheet that’s late from yesterday, but can ask Martina if it be okay to send to her both of them after I get them both ready, or should I send one of it here-, to her, & then send the other one tomorrow-if she will like it to send one work page at a time?
      October 8, 2021 5:14 PM MDT

  • 3137
    Then I got the temp questions # 5. & 6. Right(?)
      October 8, 2021 5:19 PM MDT

  • 5450
      October 8, 2021 5:43 PM MDT

  • 3137
    That I would like to see more variety of quizzes from work challenge you gave me, & then the work pages I to Martina - the 2nd work page that I‘be given to Martina, wasn’t a good interesting work subject, but another work page I just gave her is a little interesting(to do), then hopefully the next few work pages I will give to her next after that, would probably be much more fun to do, or maybe great to do, which will be the work subject that I might really like-that to give!
      October 18, 2021 4:47 PM MDT

  • 3137
    Okay here’s another one that I redo just the 4:

    1. 273.15°C
    2. 459.67°F
    3. -136.575°C
    4. -229.835°F

    Did any of these came-out better now?

    Now onto Martina’s work that I will check through how she did on her whole math and words pages now! This post was edited by DannyPetti at October 10, 2021 2:06 PM MDT
      October 10, 2021 2:00 PM MDT

  • 5450
    Danny!  Yes!  You won my part of the challenge to you!
      October 10, 2021 2:06 PM MDT

  • 3137
    Great!!!-Thank You!
    And I probably got those other ones done too!
      October 10, 2021 2:08 PM MDT

  • 3137
    Then what will we do next after this/after I win this challenge (Besides graduate from(this school)), I may have something that I will like(?)

    The work (quiz) challenge you just gave me, I would’ve like those much better if you give-out many more different varieties of work pages in several other subjects-of many more different problems to do(in pages), ranging from sort of basic of kind of easy ones, up to medium hard ones, & can put in few/several hard ones too, but make these real fun/interesting for me(&them) if you give-out really hard ones - all these work pages that can be given-out, maybe like/don’t have to be all in one day, but maybe within a few days-give out some in one day, then some more at next day, etc.

    The work pages I have to Martina, will have like many problem units to do in a/one page subject, then other next subject with many other different problems to do, then she can do a lot of other different work problems-of (many) more other different subjects, but doing these at many other days-as one work page subject a day, as long as she don’t get that many wrong from those work pages she finished doing. And that’s just close to how I would like to do the work subjects (given from you), but to me it don’t really matter if I will just keep doing these till I get too many of them wrong, or to keep doing (all) these work pages till it’s all done, but don’t know how long it gonna take me till I finish all of these, as sometimes it might/would take me very long time-if I don’t really know what to put as an answer (to many of the problems like this).
      October 17, 2021 5:00 PM MDT

  • 5450

    Danny!  Here is your next challenge:  I’m adding another player.  You get to play against Martina.  She’ll post her answers to the first four questions the day after tomorrow.  

    You have 48 hours from the time I post this, which will be Sunday at 18:59 CDT, 19:59 EDT, 20:59 ART, to beat her to getting the right answers.  If you post the right answers before that, you win.  If Martina posts the right answers 48 hours from now and you still didn’t get it right, you lose.

    If she gets it right and you don’t, her prize is she gets to graduate from school.  You can’t give her any more homework challenges after that because you lose.

    If she gets it wrong, or you post the right answers before the deadline, she still has to do your homework challenges until she beats you at the next challenge after that.

      October 8, 2021 5:59 PM MDT

  • 3137
    May I ask:
    Will the work challenge be marked by % of answers right?
    How many quiz problems would that be all together/in subject sections?
    And what kinds of work activities would these be? This post was edited by DannyPetti at October 9, 2021 6:37 AM MDT
      October 8, 2021 6:12 PM MDT

  • 5450
    Martina and you both have to get all four correct to win.  If she doesn’t get all four right, she loses and still has to do your homework challenges.

    If you don’t get all four right, you lose and she graduates and doesn’t do your homework challenges anymore.  

    If you both don’t get all four right, she still has to do your next homework challenges.

    It has to be done by the cut-off time I gave you. This post was edited by Livvie at October 8, 2021 6:27 PM MDT
      October 8, 2021 6:22 PM MDT

  • 5450
    Also, I texted her to work out the challenge.  You can win back the right to give her more homework challenges if you defeat her in a later challenge.
      October 8, 2021 8:55 PM MDT

  • 3137
    Do you know what Time Zone is Michigan? Starting from my Michigan time, I assume it be at my time that’s at Sunday also, & can you give me the time (like in 3:00 PM, 11:30 AM, etc), of what time will this homework challenge begin at-in the Michigan time, can add the starting date to it too-to be more pacific of what exactly the time from me that you’ll start the homework challenge at.
      October 9, 2021 7:14 AM MDT

  • 5450

    Michigan is in two different time zones.  Most of it is in Eastern Time Zone.  The southwestern part of the UP is in Central Time Zone.

    The starting date was the 8th of October.  It you’re in Eastern Time Zone, you have to be done by 7:59 tomorrow evening.  If you’re in Central Time Zone, you have to be done by 6:59 tomorrow evening.

    This post was edited by Livvie at October 9, 2021 7:45 AM MDT
      October 9, 2021 7:28 AM MDT

  • 3137
    Okay, yes!
      October 9, 2021 7:43 AM MDT

  • 3137
    I don’t think I understand the time stuff that you typed here
      October 9, 2021 7:45 AM MDT

  • 5450
    What time is it right now where you are?
      October 9, 2021 7:46 AM MDT

  • 3137
    (my location)-It’s 9:47 AM now (Saturday) This post was edited by DannyPetti at October 9, 2021 7:51 AM MDT
      October 9, 2021 7:48 AM MDT

  • 5450
    OK, you’re in Eastern Time Zone.  You have until 7:59 PM tomorrow evening to either post the right answers or hope Martina gets them wrong.  The clock is ticking, Danny!
      October 9, 2021 7:53 AM MDT

  • 3137
    Okay I will check back to this tomorrow at 8 PM!
      October 9, 2021 8:32 AM MDT

  • 5450
    Danny!  No!  You have to post the correct answers here BEFORE 8:00 tomorrow night!  If your opponent gets them right, you have to keep doing challenges from Jaimie and me!
      October 9, 2021 10:00 AM MDT

  • 3137
    When do I will get the other challenges to do before the 8 o’clock tomorrow?
    Is the 6 temperature questions and the long maze puzzle I just worked on is part of this challenge too?
    If it is then I probably looking for some other ones to do.
      October 9, 2021 11:03 AM MDT

  • 5450
    You only have to do the first four questions and get them right.  You already got the fifth and sixth questions right so you don’t have to do those.  You still have to do Jaimie’s maze.  You’re not done with that until she says you’re done.
      October 9, 2021 12:00 PM MDT

  • 3137
    I think Jaimie just gave me 2 other maze puzzles for me to do instead of that one very long maze puzzle, I will switch to those 2 maze puzzles to do(now) This post was edited by DannyPetti at October 9, 2021 4:07 PM MDT
      October 9, 2021 1:02 PM MDT

  • 3137
    Okay-got it!

    I will post the next worksheet to Martina soon.
    The next worksheet have 26 math problems to do in +-x & divide; next on that’s in words: with 10 different definitions shown, which is 10 correct words to guess for the definitions here, & the fill word(s) in each blanks of sentences-6 words for each short story, there’s 3 short stories, so there’s 18 words to do all together on this whole fill in blank part- for Martina to do. Then next the Encyclopedia info study to do next after it.
    Do you think it’s okay that I will give Martina all these work pages at one time, or do I will check with her is she want only one work page at a time to be sent to her-as if I pass the math work page to her today, then do I will pass the other work page as words work page tomorrow? This post was edited by DannyPetti at October 9, 2021 2:56 PM MDT
      October 9, 2021 2:06 PM MDT