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Challenge for Danny Petti (Others can help him with this also.)This should be super easy!

1. What temperature is twice as hot as 0°C?  Please give your answer in Celsius.

2. What temperature is twice as hot as 0°F?  Please give your answer in Fahrenheit.

3. What temperature is half as hot as 0°C?  Please give your answer in Celsius.

4.  What temperature is half as hot as 0°F?  Please give your answer in Fahrenheit.

5. Convert -40°C to °F.

6. Convert -40°F to °C.

Also, do Jaimie’s maze, please.

Posted - October 6, 2021


  • 7408
    Livvie, do you want me to move the maze here so it doesn’t disturb Martina’s chip collecting thread?
      October 6, 2021 12:14 PM MDT

  • 5450
    I already added it to this question so he sees it.
      October 6, 2021 12:19 PM MDT

  • 7408
    Yay! Thank you:)
      October 6, 2021 12:19 PM MDT

  • 3137
    & from Martina’s work page thread, as each easy problems are around 5 points each, and hard problems would be around 50 points each, would you like to decide how many points on each of 9 problems I just gave to Martina? Each of these problems would be different amount of points as some of these work problems are much harder than the other.

    Note: ‘I may delete off some of these messages to make more room or to clear-out more space for the other worksheets to be put in(here)’ This post was edited by DannyPetti at October 6, 2021 4:28 PM MDT
      October 6, 2021 4:26 PM MDT

  • 3137
    I just need to look at a degrees C/F temp converter-in a page/book to answer those correctly okay?
      October 6, 2021 4:37 PM MDT

  • 5450
    I think most people in the northern part of the Midwest can tell you what -40° is in the other scale without even thinking about it.  When it gets that cold, it just doesn’t matter if it’s in Celsius or Fahrenheit.
      October 6, 2021 9:37 PM MDT

  • 3137
    I may just put as same figure as 0 to no change that remain just that same answer, as same temperature of cold, if it’s only cold instead of hot when it was asking about hot, & twice of just that temp-as twice of just the hot. So I don’t know if I might gonna get those other answers as wrong except the 2 if I start inputting the other 5 temp answers, is there other work page from you that’s available to do now, or do I just type in what temp that I think might be in that temp work page thread?
    I see that there’s the 6 temp quiz, & the maze puzzle that I would be finish doing now. I will finish the maze now, then I will get back to do the rest of F & C degrees quiz stuff.
      October 7, 2021 7:28 AM MDT

  • 5450
    You can ask other AM users for help.  I’ll let you put this question to other AM users if you want.

    Anyway, I already gave you a clue for 5 and 6, and I made the calculations really easy for you by using 0°C and 0°F.

    I won’t tell you if you’re right or wrong until you post your final answers here.  If you’re wrong, you can redo them, or I can just show you how to do it and then move onto your next challenge.  That’ll be up to you. This post was edited by Livvie at October 7, 2021 10:10 AM MDT
      October 7, 2021 9:12 AM MDT

  • 3137
    Okay I will just input my answers soon, and I probably would just answer the 2 temp conversions the same.
      October 7, 2021 10:04 AM MDT

  • 3137
    I will do 5. & 6. fine. You may have to show me how to do the temp questions 1 through 4, maybe each with (short) simple steps?
    I may finish the maze puzzle first.
      October 7, 2021 1:24 PM MDT

  • 5450
    The rules for my part of our challenge to you are you either have to answer a question, pass the question along to the other Answermug users or just tell me that you give up on a question.
      October 7, 2021 1:56 PM MDT

  • 3137
    Okay I will just post my 6 temp answers here, but I think most of these may not be the answers that you want.
    Do I may just post them here & you will look at just these answers over & just tell me to just do them over if my answers are wrong on that temp question stuff?
      October 7, 2021 4:21 PM MDT

  • 5450
    Post your answers here, please. If you’re right, Yay!

    If you’re not sure of your answers, you can put this question to the rest of Answermug (recommended).
      October 7, 2021 5:42 PM MDT

  • 3137

    Okay, I will input all the 6 temp answers here:
    1. 0°C
    2. 0°F
    3. 0°C
    4. 0°F
    5. -40°F
    6. -40°C

    I don’t know if most of these might be wrong, & I copied some of your typing with the degrees sign to here because I didn’t find how to make a small circle degrees sign.

      October 8, 2021 7:23 AM MDT

  • 5450
    Yes!  You got five and six right!  You didn’t get one through four right though, so sad. 
      October 8, 2021 7:38 AM MDT

  • 3137
    Really hard to get the cursor in there & then copy & paste couple of little texts to where I meant to put it if do it in the iPhone-to the questions you gave me to answer.
      October 8, 2021 7:30 AM MDT

  • 5450
    Danny?  Danny?  You’re making life harder than it needs to be.  On your iPhone, just keep your finger down on the 0.  Above the 0 you will see ° and 0.  Just slide your finger up and to the left to get the °.
      October 8, 2021 9:07 AM MDT

  • 3137
    Okay, from Martina’s first work page I gave with the 50 chips & 10 chances to that Martina currently have-I would give Martina 150 pt, 12 more chips & an extra chance added to that homework thread, so Martina now have 150 points, 62 chips & 11 chances!
    I will mark this on my paper someplace for Martina. This post was edited by DannyPetti at October 7, 2021 7:11 AM MDT
      October 6, 2021 4:48 PM MDT

  • 5450
    lol  He’s thinking about alcoholic beverages now.  Danny?  Danny?  Is there something you want to share with us?  It’s OK.
      October 6, 2021 6:29 PM MDT

  • 11370
    Hey maybe he could make a Christmas alcoholic beverage maze and I could include it with the elf photo he made for me  that I am planning on using  for my Christmas cards. Cheers!
      October 6, 2021 6:50 PM MDT

  • 5450
    We should make this a drinking game somehow.
      October 6, 2021 8:51 PM MDT

  • 3137
    Okay I just changed it from her name.
      October 7, 2021 7:13 AM MDT

  • 3137
    I may just get for you that maze from Google Image, if I type in the correct words in that, or should I do it in drawing?
      October 15, 2021 5:15 PM MDT

  • 11370
    A drawing might be nice with some bottles of Molson Canadian beer and a few bottles  of Red Stripe for my Jamaican friends. Cheers and happy weekend!
      October 15, 2021 5:33 PM MDT