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Do you think Trump was right when he said that a vegan diet causes brain damage?

I am not ready to go full vegan but I was thinking about cutting half of the meat and dairy products out of my diet. But then I heard about Trump and the million dollar vegan challenge and now I am wondering if a vegan diet would do more harm then good. In 2019 Donald Trump was giving a challenge - go vegan for a month  and they will donate a million dollars to a veterans charity. Trump refused to take the challenge because he figured that a vegan diet messes with your body chemistry and your brain. Then he added that if he lost even one brain cell, we’re f**ked. For all I know he could be right about the body chemistry because food produces a chemical energe. But I think he is way wrong figuring that he can't even afford to lose one brain cell because the country would be f**ked if he did. The human body produces 1500 new neurons per day so you could probably could afford to lose 500 or so  - you night have to sit down and veg out but by the next you would be good as new. Trump could probably afford to lose more then 500 brain cells per day because 80% of new neurons go straight to the hippocampus, a crucial structure for learning and memory and since trump doesn't use that part of his brain very often he could probably afford to lose 800 to 1000 neurons per day. Anyway I am going to do a bit of research about going vegan. Cheers!

Posted - October 6, 2021


  • 6023
    I guess it depends on what pesticides are on the vegetables/fruit. 
      October 6, 2021 12:38 PM MDT

  • 1952
    I wouldn't believe anything that comes out of that nincompoops mouth.
      October 6, 2021 1:28 PM MDT

  • 11420
    Normally I don't believe what comes out his mouth except for science stuff. Trump's uncle was a scientist and according to Trump that makes him a scientist through genetics. Cheers!
      October 6, 2021 2:00 PM MDT

  • 1952
    LOL!!!! Oh yeah I'm sure he fancies himself another Albert Einstein.  This post was edited by Echooos at October 6, 2021 5:02 PM MDT
      October 6, 2021 2:39 PM MDT

  • 44765
    Change fancy's before you-know-who see's it.
      October 6, 2021 4:44 PM MDT

  • 1952
    LOL thank you!!  :)
      October 6, 2021 5:03 PM MDT

  • 44765
    I am hear to serve.
      October 6, 2021 5:04 PM MDT

  • 11420
    Well he could be another Albert Einstein because he has the scientist uncle gene thing going for him and according to Trump his father was born in Germany just like Albert Einstein's father was. Cheers! This post was edited by Nanoose at October 6, 2021 5:08 PM MDT
      October 6, 2021 4:55 PM MDT

  • 44765 grandparents were from Russia. Could I be a commie?
      October 6, 2021 5:05 PM MDT

  • 11420
    Not sure - have you ever invaded a Ukrainian neighbours home? Cheers!
      October 6, 2021 5:16 PM MDT

  • 17660
    Animal protein is superior to plant protein.  B12 comes only from animals and is essential for humans.  This has nothing to do with President Trump.
      October 6, 2021 5:03 PM MDT

  • 11420
    It has everything to do with ex President Trump because his comment about a vegan diet messing up a persons body chemistry and  damaging the brain made ne wonder if going vegan was safe. 
      October 6, 2021 5:10 PM MDT

  • 17660
    What you eat has nothing to do with anyone but you.  Do your own research about your diet.  Try to be smart about that.
      October 6, 2021 5:44 PM MDT

  • 11420
    No sometimes there is a million reasons to why what you eat has something to do with other people. Like when Trump was giving the million dollar challenge he could of been  vegan for a month  and  a veterans charity would of been a million dollars richer and maybe he would of felt healthier for it and continued  a healthy diet I already mentioned that I am going to do some reserch.
      October 6, 2021 6:25 PM MDT

  • 17081
    B12 is found in mushrooms, which is why mushrooms are sometimes referred to as "meat for vegetarians".
      October 6, 2021 9:25 PM MDT

  • 17081
    On that one he might be. Turning vegan does tend to make one a pompous, self-righteous a$$. Whether that is due to brain damage or not, I have no idea.

    I put my dog on a vegan diet. She's eaten three of them so far.
      October 6, 2021 9:29 PM MDT