Discussion » Questions » Television and Movies » How did John Travolta get away with X-rated lyrics in a PG movie, as early as 1978?

How did John Travolta get away with X-rated lyrics in a PG movie, as early as 1978?

Greased Lightning
"I ain't talkin' sh**, we'll be getting lots of t*t ..."

"She's a real pu**y wagon ..."

Why did Tipper have nothing to say about this?

Posted - October 6, 2021


  • 6023
    According to a documentary I saw a couple years ago ... there was a bunch of stuff cut from the original script.
    A little bit was snuck in, or the actors alluded to the original script language/actions, and it wasn't caught by the censors.
      October 7, 2021 12:34 PM MDT

  • 35032
    X-rated? Hardly, the most it would have gotten was a PG-13.

    Tipper did not start her censorship push until the mid to late 1980s.  She was triggered by a Tom Petty video on Mtv. This post was edited by my2cents at December 28, 2021 9:48 AM MST
      October 8, 2021 4:46 AM MDT

  • 17053
    This from somebody who censored a graphic that was just barely not G rated ...
      December 28, 2021 1:00 AM MST

  • 35032
    You want your daughter or grand daughter running around like that in public?
    Personally, I would not and I do not want to look at it either.  
      December 28, 2021 6:04 AM MST

  • 23834
    Before it was deleted,  I saw the image about which you're talking. I found nothing worthy of deleting. If needing deleted, the singer Lizzo cannot appear anywhere in public, I guess, either, being a large attractive woman.
      December 28, 2021 6:23 AM MST

  • 35032
    Not about size  of the woman.  It was about 90-95% of her breasts being  exposed.  
      December 28, 2021 6:56 AM MST

  • 23834
    I know I'm not a moderator so I don't know all the details that go into it all. I see women like in that picture, though, often. Maybe I'm just used to it and don't think much about seeing women's and men's breasts/pecs in various states of exposure. I don't much question seeing men and women in various states of exposure. either. I'm just saying I didn't find the image questionable at all.

     I do still stand behind my statement to the similarity of the image and Lizzo, in general, though. Lizzo often has parts of her breasts showing. I like her singing, too. :)

    This post was edited by WelbyQuentin at December 29, 2021 3:01 PM MST
      December 28, 2021 7:07 AM MST

  • 35032
    I had to look up the singer Lizzy.....picts that showed up for me under images (I use Brave search) would be fine for the site.  Of course it would depend on the pict 
      December 28, 2021 8:00 AM MST

  • 17053
    30% tops and no nipples (it was only the tops of her breasts - cleavage yes, pornographic not even close). My daughter wears not much more than that at the beach, my granddaughter won't have breasts for a decade yet, she's three.
    Probably close to 90% of YOUR boobs or anyone else's for that matter, she was rather well-endowed - but that doesn't make it offensive.
      December 29, 2021 2:53 PM MST

  • 35032
    Again not about the size....it is about the exposure. 
      December 29, 2021 3:48 PM MST

  • 23834
    Was the Tom Petty music video "Don't Come Around Here No More"? With the images of Alice (in Wonderland) as a birthday-type cake getting sliced? I seem to remember that video as being controversial or something.
    I love Tom Petty's music.
      December 28, 2021 7:10 AM MST

  • 35032
    I believe  it was that video.  The only thing she accomplished  was putting the warning sticker on the LP covers....increasing  sales for the artists.  
      December 28, 2021 8:03 AM MST

  • 23834
    I never liked that musical or movie in the first place. Never listened to the lyrics closely. I'm surprised at those lyrics, too.
    The only moment I really enjoyed was the song "Tell Me More. " And that was only the stage version, where they're all on telephones singing.

    The first time I saw the movie/musical, I thought :

    "The moral:
    Give up who you are and become a slut to be popular."


      December 28, 2021 6:19 AM MST

  • 13277
    Much ado about nothing, and yet it generated a lengthy thread.
      December 28, 2021 9:50 AM MST

  • 2254
    Didn't he also add how does it feel to be a fuggin' pig in Saturday Night Fever to the girl who was in the back seat of his car? This post was edited by CosmicWunderkind at December 28, 2021 10:11 AM MST
      December 28, 2021 10:11 AM MST