Which following possibility do you think is more likely concerning The Grammar Police Force, tilde collection, The Harem, and sandwiches?
1. The Grammar Police Force has a tilde unit, a harem unit, and a sandwich unit.
2. Tilde collection also involves grammar, harems, and sandwiches.
3. The Harem has grammar rooms, tilde rooms, and sandwich rooms.
4. Sandwich-making requires highly-honed skills in proper grammar, the care and upkeep of tildes, and harem etiquette.
5. Two or more variations of 1 through 4.
6. Additional variations that were not presented in 1 through 4.
7. All of the possibilities that were presented in 1 through 4.
8. You really don’t care just as long as Randy D is happy with it.
No, “and” is the appropriate word, because the list is all-inclusive as opposed to being exclusive.
You may have missed the word “concerning”. It’s Its use in the sentence indicates that the four items listed are the all-encompassing realm under which the singular possibility is to be found. The four items are not the possibility the be chosen, that itself derives from the 8 choices in the description field.