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Discussion » Questions » Politics » Can you say yes to Trump and yes to common decency?? Those two things do not together abide.

Can you say yes to Trump and yes to common decency?? Those two things do not together abide.


Donald Trump is a bigot.

Donald Trump is a demagogue.

Donald Trump is a sexist, misogynist, chauvinist pig.

Donald Trump is a bully.

Donald Trump is a cheat.

Donald Trump is a pathological liar.

Donald Trump is a nativist.

Donald Trump’s campaign has proved too attractive to anti-Semites, Nazis and white nationalists, and on some level the campaign seems to be tacitly courting that constituency.

Donald Trump — judging by his own words on that disgusting tape and if you believe the dozen-plus women who have come forward to accuse him of some form of sexual assault or unwanted sexual advance — is an unrepentant predator.

To put it more succinctly, Donald Trump is a lowlife degenerate with the temperament of a 10-year-old and the moral compass of a severely wayward teen.

Please don't sully yourself.


Posted - November 3, 2016


  • 691
    He certainly is a rude and abrasive man.
    Is that worse than a woman with the track record of hillary?  I think it is not.
    She has been given endless chances in government and proven herself unfit in each case in my opinion.
    Trump is a blank slate at least as far as holding a government position.
      November 3, 2016 7:26 AM MDT

  • 6988
    Perhaps he is displaying to us the sins of mankind. I have reason to think he is not as stupid as the media makes him out to be with all that "taken out of context" stuff. Billionaires are just not that dumb. 
      November 3, 2016 3:16 PM MDT