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I often save photos that I find online for later use here, many are random and I don’t know how or when they might be relevant.

  A lot of what I post is just joking around, so I never know which photos might come in handy later. There are times when a photo inspires me to come up with a question, answer, or comment and the photo provides a visual aid, there are other times when I already have the question, answer, or comment and I scroll through my 3,000+ saved photos to find one that fits.

  However, the one below is very difficult to place. It has several potential elements, factors, themes, etc., that can be used in various ways, it’s just that I’ve been stumped on how to apply it. Emotion, despair, tolerance, headache, dilemma, suggestion, attire, workplace setting, aggression, demanding, bullying, competition, hierarchy, social class, subservience, daytime, background, color, lighting, man-bun, paperwork, laptop, ethnicity, gender, age, on and on.

If you were to use it, what might it be for or about?


Posted - December 27, 2021


  • 23842
    "Have you ever seen a photo and wanted to reach out and hug a person in the photo?"

    I can not even see the woman's face but I want to hug her and take her out to lunch.

    And though I find the guys attractive, I'd like to think there are more effective ways to get their points across to the woman.


    EDIT: And the guy with the man-bun looks exactly like someone with whom I've worked a couple of times. He never acted this way, though He is incredibly kind and funny. I even wonder if he is the actual guy in the photo.

    This post was edited by WelbyQuentin at December 27, 2021 11:41 AM MST
      December 27, 2021 8:08 AM MST

  • 53693


      Rescue her from Randy D and that man-bun guy. I wonder what it is that has them so riled up? Are they both shouting about the same thing and trying to get through to her, or are each of them on separate sides of an issue and somehow she has to hear about it from them both?

    Randy D: “I demand that all it be banned from being brought anywhere on the premises of this entire company! It was promised to me in my contract, it’s a non-negotiable line item!”

    Man-Bun: “Bugger off, mate! I didn’t travel all the way here from my native Brisbane to accept a job here only to find out there’s a discriminatory restriction on my beloved Vegemite. No one told me it’s not allowed, so naturally I thought nothing of storing a few dozen boxes of it here for future use . . . .”


      December 27, 2021 11:41 AM MST

  • 19937
    I would use it as Exhibit A in a harassment suit.
      December 27, 2021 8:12 AM MST

  • 44765
    Maybe they are lawyers showing her how she will be harassed as a witness. I also save Google Images.
      December 27, 2021 9:37 AM MST

  • 23842
    That actually makes me feel better looking at the photo. Thanks.  :)
      December 27, 2021 9:49 AM MST

  • 11588
    My thought is that they are asking her to settle an argument. She doesn't want to be involved. 
      December 27, 2021 6:29 PM MST

  • 23842
    Her body language supports that, yeah.
      December 27, 2021 6:35 PM MST

  • 53693


      She’s thinking, ((((Not these two again! I knew I should have taken that biochem job in Terre Haute when I had the chance, I just knew it. Why didn’t I listen to my mother? Make it stop, make it stop, make it stop, make it stop,  please whatever it takes, just make it stop! Arrgghh.))))

      December 27, 2021 10:29 PM MST