Discussion»Questions»Food and Drink» You are at a party and there is a plate of skewered, deep-fried pieces of something. You take a bite and find it quite tasty.
Once I've swallowed whatever it is, I just decide not to have seconds. That happened to me at a Greek restaurant. My then boyfriend and I joined another couple for dinner. Since they were Greek, we gave them license to order for the table. There was something fried that was delicious and I couldn't decide if it was chicken or fish. At the end of the meal, I asked - it was sweetbreads. I will admit it was good, but I couldn't order it again after that.
If they were tasty I would eat a few of them because they must be quite small but I would not make a pig of myself. Some connoisseurs of fine dining consider the testicles of all animals to be a delicacy.