What kinds of other drawings or art pictures do you like?
Any other art pictures that you would like, & would like these pictures done, I may work on these drawings too. And search if there's any other really good artist that which join in answerMug too, then will go check that out with me-if there is.
Okay I see you(Nanoose) the first one replying to request a drawing here. I will open it up & take a look at that, & I will see how I will make that picture in a drawing okay?
That is a cool one but I am not sure what you can do with it because it has a copyright. Originally I just thought you were asking for examples of art. Cheers!
You name some pictures & I will try drawing & coloring them on computer, I think getting/copying images from Google Image may/will help getting my computer drawings done faster.
Great-You picked one, since there are star wars pictures in Google Images(obviously), so I will make the whole think in just drawing/I will then just only draw it using the paint program without using any actual pictures for now. -You can then tell me what other specific parts to draw in, as I will start drawing it. And you can say "Show now", if you want to see the drawing now. And with that you can say "Stop here", if you want me to stop on the drawing that I was doing & to call that a finished drawing then, okay-good? I will start drawing it now- "Great-Cheers!!!"*
This post was edited by DannyPetti at April 4, 2022 7:38 PM MDT
I don't think I really found anyone here that who is a really good artist as he/she draws. And I'm not really a great, steady, accurate drawer myself, but I will try to do just about the best I can as I'm doing the drawing on one of my Paint program.
This post was edited by DannyPetti at April 4, 2022 8:43 PM MDT
Will give you your selected drawing of the Star Wars, then you can tell me which else to add, change or which to take off from this 2nd alter of this Star Wars picture:
Maybe in the bottom right corner you could add the Millennium Falcon breaking out of hyper space with its forward gun blasting at the Tie fighter that is in the middle top of the page. Cheers!
Got the right shape ship drawing in the right place, & made the other space blasting lasers just the different colors- I try to see how the breaking out of hyper space will look-as would it be that spaceship that just slowing back down from hyperspace, or to just start speeding up to the hyperspace? And with creating the look of (breaking out) hyperspace like this:
Or like this: To add it to the picture with the Milennium Falcon by it.
And the other circular & line marks that I left in the picture-one to fill in the other large ship on the left, & other one for the other ships laser, should I draw the rest of them in, or erase them out?
Working on that part; any other changes/additions to the Star Wars picture-like where else to put the star dots-stars of different colors, any more ships, any different space light layers-up to you? So that I work on these other Star Wars drawing changes-right after I do the hyper-space for the large ship, but I will add in many other details for the large ship-that may include many (gray) light shades for the large ship too?
I was doing my other online video games checking of every games of every systems that I played before, just to try little bit of of every each games to see if they are working to be played okay, that I didn't work on the other parts of the star wars drawings, but I will get back to the drawing soon after I finished all my video game search. But now here's the Star Wars drawing that where I now left off right here: I now was filling in the other smaller (line) details on the Millennium Falcon ship drawing shown near bottom right here. And I may like delete/change the large ship on the left if it not supposed to be that large ship shape(?)
This post was edited by DannyPetti at April 19, 2022 2:57 PM MDT
Yay the Millennium Falcon is here to save the day - like how it is taking out one of the dark sides ship. Cheers!
This post was edited by Nanoose at April 19, 2022 3:44 PM MDT
Okay, the other/last option is yours- I may do any more change to this picture, or I may leave it like that & then have me to draw another different (star wars) picture, which should do next?