Have you watched this Full House episode before?
On the show of Full House-don't know how many years ago that they played this Full House episode: Saw that DJ came to Uncle Jesse & asked him to help her on her homework, Stephani came to Jesse & asked to give her a piggy back ride, then Michelle came to Jesse & said to feed me & change my diaper, then Jesse said "You can't talk", then from the convex mirror, that's almost like in a nightmare of Jesse's, that showed like keep switching the Full House people around, then one of the guy/man in there said "It's your turn", think that it meant it's Jesse's turn; I think it was Danny Tanner who said "It's your turn", then when it just switch to that person from that mirror.
Then what you do think will then happen around the/these Full House people, if Jesse will say "Okay-I now really am a little bit tired, but I will really try to do them, I will start working on your homework now-(for DJ), then I will get to your piggy back ride just as soon as I get done with DJ's, okay Steph?"
(Mostly)-And do you think they will then be gentle & kind, or will they still be rough on Jesse?
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