Watch. Ring. Coat. Shoe. Sock. Belt. Tie. Pants. Vest. Scarf. Cast. Sling. Brace. Collar. Skirt. Button. Pin. Tag. Label. Chain. Blindfold. Mask. Shades.
Just looking at Flint’s response indicates that there are far, far more answers and/or possible answers than the ones I started with, which means I did not nor could not have given more than half.
As to why I started with so many of them, when I first thought of posting the question, I was under the impression that there were only five or six answers that I could come up with on my own, and as I typed them in, more and more of them begin to occur to me. I was soon on a roll. Truthfully, I even saw it from your perspective; that I had possibly exhausted the entire list. Meh, I’ll post it anyway to see if other people could or would find responses that I had missed, and I am very glad to see that I was far off the mark in thinking that no more examples could be found. I like that aspect of these types of questions: the collective effort exhibits much more creativity than my feeble mind can conjure up on any particular subject.
Thank you for asking, it is possible that others share your viewpoint, and you opened the door for me to explain how and why I did it that way.
Ok, that’s your right.