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Do you think the FBI found any nudie magazines when they searched Barron's room?

On the weekend Donald Trump claimed that when the FBI search his home they searched Barron Trump's room. And he added that it was a deep ugly search and the agents left everything they touched in far different condition than it was when they started. I don't think they searched Barron's room because it wasn't one of the 3 rooms that the search warrant gave permission to search. And I think it is strange that he didn't mention it a mouth ago when he said the FBI search his wife's room. So I think he is just trying to discredit  the search. Anyway if they did search his room it is likely that they found a couple nudie magazines in between the box spring and the mattresses because he is a 16 year old boy. That's were I kept my nudie mags when I was a teen but back then the only nudes were in National Geographic magazines. Cheers!

Posted - September 5, 2022


  • 13277
    Good for him being a normal kid.
      September 5, 2022 10:08 AM MDT

  • 11399
    Thought I would point out the reason for this post. It is really about Donald Trump stooping so low that he pulled his teenage son into his web of lies. That was spun to discredit the legal search warrant to recover top secret documents. Cheers!
      September 5, 2022 4:58 PM MDT

  • 17052
    They didn't search Barron's room, it's just more of His Royal Orangeness's bullsh**.
      September 5, 2022 10:26 PM MDT

  • 11399
    What gets me is no matter what BS spews out of his mouth a lot of people will believe it even though a bit of research will show that is a lie. I'm wondering if Trump's wife and son will go along with the lie. I know that if I told a lie that involved one of my sons my wife and sons would call me on it and shame me on FB. Cheers!
      September 6, 2022 8:53 AM MDT

  • 11547
    I'm sure his parents wouldn't care. After all, his mother used to appear in them.
      September 6, 2022 7:01 PM MDT