I’ve had ***holes do the usual road ragey things at me such as flashing high beams and flipping me off, but nothing physical. The most satisfying road rage incident I had was the winter where I was a snow plow driver. The guy high beamed me, then he flipped me off when he passed me, then he started fishtailing, then he went butt first into the ditch. Yes, I absolutely gloated over it.
Once or twice. I've also committed it. Like the time when I was stopped at a pedestrian crossing and an idiot came cruising up with the car in gear but his brain in neutral. He must have noticed me at the last possible minute and slammed on the anchors - screaming tyres and he stopped an inch from my bumper. I was twenty years old and my infant daughter was in the back strapped to a baby capsule. I got the steering lock out and walked up to this guy's car, brandished it and told him how lucky he was that I didn't smash every piece of glass his car had on it.