Are they also charging more for apostrophes in your area, prompting you to cut down on using them wherever you see fit? Grrrrrrr.
We’re watching you, pal.
You needed to cut back on carbs anyway; the cats have been concerned about your health. Those extra expenditures on punctuation will pay great dividends for you when the Grammar Police take take Senate and The House of Representatives. Warrantless searches of private homes may become the law of the land, and having an abundance of diacritical marks on hand could save you from arrest. (Just mentioning that you know me won’t help, as I have you listed as a repeat offender. Grrrrrrr.)
Yes to both questions, the latter being bolstered by the prominent Food Bank “industry” in San Diego, of which I am a volunteer at more than one sight site.
Sometimes we have such surpluses that we can afford to give families and individuals twice or thrice the allotment when they assure us it can be further distributed to other family members, friends, neighbors, coworkers, etc. From my perspective in the trenches and on the front lines of that endeavor, seeing how much free food is made available to any and all comers, and seeing the multitudes who respond, I truly believe that no one is or should be starving in San Diego County, California.