Discussion » Questions » Family » Growing up, what rules or lessons did your parent(s) have concerning money you earned at any job you worked outside of the home?

Growing up, what rules or lessons did your parent(s) have concerning money you earned at any job you worked outside of the home?

Household chores and/or allowances excluded. For example, did you have to put a certain percentage or a particular dollar amount into savings or a college fund, did you have to give some or all of your salary to your parent(s) to help out the family budget, were you allowed to spend your money however you wanted to, did you have to pay for your own share of the car insurance, etc.?

This question is in regards to any type of job you worked other than at home where you received pay (no volunteerism), and any age you were at the time.

Posted - October 25, 2022


  • 44765
    The small amounts of money I earned for mowing lawns and shoveling snow were too minor to make a fuss over and I could do as I pleased with it, other than paying back the money my stepfather spent on the lawnmower.
      October 25, 2022 8:15 AM MDT

  • 17660
    No, not from the jobs I had during high school.  When I graduated high school and went to work for AT&T mother made me pay 1/2 of my take home pay.  I don't remember even minding.  Wow, things are different today.  I worked for almost exactly one year before I married and moved away. 
      October 25, 2022 10:13 AM MDT

  • 35073
    I could spend my money how I wanted. 
    I got into a small fender bender as a teen and the insurance company refused to cover me afterwards.  So I did have to purchase and pay for my own auto insurance. 
      October 25, 2022 11:56 AM MDT

  • 1540
    My old man just brought it up today: his rule, remarkably enough, was "no work." The idea was that young people should focus on their studies and on seeing more of the world. He didn't even approve of people giving their children money for chores or good grades.
      October 25, 2022 1:12 PM MDT

  • 4283
    Any money I earned while I was still going to school was mine to keep and do what I wanted with it.  When I graduated high school and got my first job, I was expected to contribute to household expenses, but was never given a specific sum.  I voluntarily gave my mom $25 a week out of the $75 a week I earned.  
      October 26, 2022 12:48 PM MDT

  • 6098
    No rules perhaps because we were well off.  Bur all I ever did while living at home was babysit. 
      October 31, 2022 8:59 PM MDT