Dang, those were my only two hopeful options with you! Now I’m back to the drawing board. Grrrrrrr.
It’s long been my opinion that there should be a system allowing people who don’t have money for massages to pair off and work out a little somethin’-somethin’ together where they give each other massages, cost-free. I, for one, would certainly volunteer. (Wink, wink, nudge, nudge.)
How many days shall I set aside?~
I’ll make a note of it, but many of those dates and times are already booked solid . . .
Heartbreaker! Just throw me on the heap with all the other guys you’ve made to suffer. (Sigh.)
I need an insurance policy like yours! Marry me and add me onto it, ok?
By which one or which ones? (I can’t ever keep track.)