No names or suggestions of particular members who would wind up there in your responses, please.
i think a lot of us would be ashamed
And where would the 0.001% of the content that DIDN'T qualify for Wall of Shame status go....;-D..
Could you post directly to this wall?
Who would you appoint to the wall of shame selection committee?
lol Somehow I figured you'd like the idea.
Umm, no. It would be a place where stuff gets sent.
I probably should have prefaced this with a disclaimer that it's not something I was seriously considering. I was reading an article the other day about a forum that did this and I was mortified. It sounds like a good way to breed negativity and stop people from talking. I'm not gonna lie, though, I thought of a few that would have wound up on the wall first. lol Not regular members, mind you- the crazy crap that trolls email me with.
We'd all wind up on the wall at some point in time or another, so I figure a general democratic vote is best, no?
A site that I used to frequent? The only one I was on before this was Answerbag... but, yeah, I could totally see that question there. Actually, I could see me asking it just to see what people would say. I love imaginative answers.
Difficult to and Karen are the "What ifs".
That would be a judgment call. Who will you trust to make it ? Yourself ? me ? Steven Hawking ? The Buddha ? Democracy ?
I am glad you said this, as you are working on the new site and have posted at least one other question asking for opinions on something for that. I was a bit taken aback when I saw this post because you have stressed your desire to foster a positive environment here.
One of the rules, if you like, of brainstorming, is that a bad idea can lead to a good idea .. so discard nothing in your thinking ... maybe what you need is a wall of a honour that people can aspire to?
Yes, I should have considered that before I posted. Sorry if there was any confusion.
That is freaking brilliant!
I'm going to poke around and see how difficult that would be to implement on the new site.
I don't know what you mean by "what ifs," but, to clarify, Karen isn't an admin here anymore.