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Have I ever told you how much I apprechate Canada's health care system?

If I never did it is way lots.

Today we had the regular health care worker visit plus we had a visit from a nurse that specializes in heart and lungs. She set my wife up with some new meds plus she started my wife on some exercises that will help her get rid of the carbon dioxide in her lungs. The down side to that is part of the exercise includes my wife doing a little bit of singing so I might have to buy myself a pair of ear buds. We are also getting a virtual health monitoring system and a diet specialist visit us once a week. These things are all free for us because we are on pension and the wife is in home palliative care. Cheers!

Posted - February 6, 2023


  • 7809
    Probably, but I probably wasn't listening.
      February 6, 2023 3:48 PM MST

  • 4283
    Excellent, but it isn't really free.  At some point, it is paid for by your taxes, but they still have a good system.  I have been ordering my prescription meds from a Canadian pharmacy because they are a third of the price from what I would pay in the States.  One of my meds costs $450 a month here.  I get THREE months' supply for a little less in Canada.
      February 6, 2023 4:26 PM MST

  • 11418
    Yeah back when I was young and paying tax's I thought it was a ripe off but now I'm glad I did. I just found out that a lot of the money that is put into the Canadian health care system comes from lottery ticket sales (the lottery is owned and  controlled by the Canadian government). Cheers! 
      February 6, 2023 4:46 PM MST

  • 4283
    An excellent use of lottery funds.  Out lottery money is supposed to go towards education.  So far, I'm not impressed.
      February 7, 2023 6:40 AM MST

  • 1817
    Me too. I had a baby here and it cost me nothing. I also have MS and pay  nothing for MRIs. 
    I have private insurance as well that is really good.  My MS medication is 2500 for a month supply and I only pay 50 
      April 18, 2023 11:19 PM MDT