Discussion » Questions » Education » Anybody want to start another academic quizzes/challenges here?

Anybody want to start another academic quizzes/challenges here?

Anybody who joins here to work on the work problems that I will give out, may have to respond frequently or periodically, because each of the work problems I will give-out will have due date on each ones.
But you can set me some other rules on some of how you want the work problems to go-then type that here.
But it will start with basic subjects & may start easy first.
Then you'll get points for each ones you get right, & will tell you what happens if get any wrong or overdue of any work problems.

Posted - February 27, 2023


  • 7404

    This is an academic thread so the music questions are seriously important. I can’t Google the answers and you can’t Google the answers I give you either. I’m going to have to give you an F for cheating and looking up on the You tube. Negative 700 points.  

      March 10, 2023 3:09 PM MST

  • 2944
    You the one that's getting the quiz, & me-the one doing the correcting of the quiz-right?!
    (You do, I correct!), See how that put together with this academic quiz doing rules of this whole thread then. This post was edited by DannyPetti at March 10, 2023 4:25 PM MST
      March 10, 2023 4:16 PM MST

  • 2944
    I made this academic thread, so just me do just the correcting, & everyone else in here only do just the quizzes here!
      March 10, 2023 4:20 PM MST

  • 2944
    I looked in YouTube for answer song because I was correcting your song guess to the music question.
      March 10, 2023 6:37 PM MST

  • 2944
    Martina just looked up other pages online to search answers on math, she probably just really had to, because the math from Livvie was really difficult.  See if that would mean it makes this academic thread not so strict to not to look at answers(on other web pages) when we're doing the academic here!?
      March 11, 2023 6:53 PM MST

  • 5451
    The only song I could find with a disco ball spinning in the name is Disco Ball Spinning by Gratec Mour.

      March 10, 2023 5:59 PM MST

  • 2944
    Another song video I found that shows a disco ball turning in it, is the song: "You Spin Me Round" from "Dead or Alive"!
      March 10, 2023 6:06 PM MST

  • 5451
    The way you wrote the question made it sound like you were looking for a song with a spinning disco ball in the name (title).
      March 10, 2023 6:09 PM MST

  • 2944
    Okay, then no, then the song playing with showing the disco ball turning in that video of that music.
      March 10, 2023 6:16 PM MST

  • 2944
    Another one:
    What name of song involved with the animal torturing scene? (Can put same option)
      March 7, 2023 10:30 AM MST

  • 7404
    The Bad touch- Bloodhound Gang. What do I win? 
      March 10, 2023 1:56 PM MST

  • 2944
    I didn't see any real animal getting tortured in that video.
    So this one is WRONG too, but I probably did pretty much like that Music Video(Bloodhound . .) :) -
    I may show you what 2 music videos it was for the right answers to the 2 music questions-should I show you then? This post was edited by DannyPetti at March 10, 2023 3:08 PM MST
      March 10, 2023 2:34 PM MST

  • 7404
    Negative 1400 points for second offence of cheating. 
      March 10, 2023 3:10 PM MST

  • 2944
    I didn't change any song from my mind in hold to put as answer of song I was about to type in only as question to you-
    Let me just tell you what the 2 answer songs was that your 2 answers didn't get to target on: This post was edited by DannyPetti at March 10, 2023 6:34 PM MST
      March 10, 2023 6:10 PM MST

  • 5451
    I’m not even going to try to look it up the answer. I don’t want to see it.  I don’t want to know about it.
      March 10, 2023 6:04 PM MST

  • 5451
    I can make one.

    Music trivia:  What is the B-side instrumental easy-listening song that made it to number three on the US Billboard Hot 100 and the Canadian RPM Adult Contemporary charts after the record company mistakenly sent a copy to CFRA AM 580 in Ottawa, ON?  (CFRA was a a Top 40 station at the time.) This post was edited by Livvie at March 10, 2023 1:53 PM MST
      March 5, 2023 11:10 AM MST

  • 2944
    Livvie, I had typed to KillBill, You & Element 99, & typed to a remote answer site about the Math problems I asked more help & ideas to. May you go over each of the 5 Maths with me to explain more about how each of those math be done by doing them-soon?

    Mind if I type one to KillBill too-
    "Of a descriptive music/song choices question" ?
    I think I can think of a really good one! This post was edited by DannyPetti at March 5, 2023 4:35 PM MST
      March 5, 2023 2:27 PM MST

  • 7404
    This is difficult lol. I don’t really know instrumental music, Kenny G song, final answer. 
      March 10, 2023 1:54 PM MST

  • 5451
    Don’t feel bad.  I make hard challenge questions.  Our friend Danny totally melted down over my math challenges.  I even edited the last question to make it easier for him by taking out the geometrized units of mass and the gravitational constant. 
      March 10, 2023 3:22 PM MST

  • 2944
    Get Martina to do the math that I was finishing on doing together!
      March 10, 2023 4:23 PM MST

  • 5451
    If Martina figures out the third and fourth questions on my math challenge, I’ll do your worksheet.  She got the first one, the second one and the fifth one right.  I’ll also do all of your worksheets for her that she didn’t do.Then it’ll be even and the only thing you have left to do is grade the advanced math worksheets that Jaimie gave me four years ago. This post was edited by Livvie at March 10, 2023 9:59 PM MST
      March 10, 2023 5:22 PM MST

  • 2944
    Okay that may be real good-for just this whole round, (don't know where you got the other math from).
    And for that one, I think I might do it with one of or some of other answerMug member's advices(some help), or from a remote answer site member(s)-to correct your advanced math worksheets with-
    how about this-hope this accepted from you(?)
    - This post was edited by DannyPetti at March 10, 2023 6:26 PM MST
      March 10, 2023 6:24 PM MST

  • 2944
    Livvie-See the due dates from each of those other (maths) 'shown'-on other thread too-will no longer given-out credits for doing that one for now.
    May have to give you new (math) pages to do, & rather I do your math page & you do mine, then in the start of new math thread, if you do-then you may have to keep looking in the math thread each day-do & finish each of every (math) page that comes-up to do.
    I usually give-out many easy ones mostly.
    As I don't know how would I keep-up doing your hard math, if you will only do as many math pages as I will do yours-As if another new worksheet thread that I will about to start-
      March 11, 2023 10:38 AM MST

  • 2944
    And post you any separate thread for the Music Trivia?
    I might type them all out just in my own words entirely(?)
      March 6, 2023 6:33 AM MST

  • 16618
    What quantity of timber would a marmot throw if a marmot was capable of throwing timber?
      March 11, 2023 4:59 AM MST