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Do you drink water after every meal even after a sugar or caffeinated or thick beverage for fear of dehydration, poisoning or tooth decay?

I have to wash the viscous guck down or to clean my teeth or chill out from the intense caffeine.
But of course there goes another plastic bottle in the environment or dead body. How am I going to swallow this chit man? What is it going to do to my body this Coke? Sad. Teas got 5 times more chit in it than coffee I was told by a Zappa fan once.
Lemon water is a refreshing drink and an easy way to add a little extra vitamin C and antioxidants into your diet. Adding a splash of lemon to your water may make water more appealing to drink, which could help you cut back on drinking sugary sports drinks and juices.

Posted - May 12, 2023


  • 844
    No, due to kidney failure, I've had to limit my intake of liquid. The amount of liquid that I do consume is due to the number of medications that I take by mouth daily. Otherwise, I take small sips of various liquids throughout the day.

    Note: Brushing your teeth will always help make your mouth feel cleaner. You don't always need to use toothpaste. Try plain water, salted water (don't swallow), tooth powder, lemon juice, etc.

      May 12, 2023 2:23 PM MDT