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Why was Randy D so surprisingly agreeable and cooperative when the examiners wanted him to turn over the financial books for the audit?

You’re the Chief Examiner leading a team of experts charged with auditing his ledgers, you’ve been warned of his long history of keeping it from happening through balking, stalling, dodging, last-minute excuses, supposedly forgetting that your visit is today, no English-speaking employees on duty, calling in his legal staff, 1950’s Nostalgia Dress-Up Contest, conveyor belts lubrication time, closing the office early, ”losing the keys” to the safe, medical quarantine in the Accountant’s Office, rock garden soil analysis, painters not finished with the elevator, Purge the Vegemite From Your Life Cleansing Yoga Sessions, block-wide electrical brownout, swarm of wasps in main corridor, dental appointment, free helicopter rides around downtown, rancid cole slaw sent entire staff home, Tilde Collectors’ Convention in Boise, flea infestation in restrooms, bring-your-kids-to-work-day, PA System out of order, HR booth at county fair, inner-office karaoke awards luncheon, emergency bladder surgery, religious holiday for executive assistant, mustard stains on tie, flooded parking garage, vicious paper cut on his left thumb, moment of silence for meditating about grammatical errors (actually lasts several hours), spontaneous 5-kilometer jog for clerical personnel, animal rights protest strike, fire drill, or leaf raking conservation training courses. 

However, he’s as docile as a lamb when you and your people show up, hands over the ledgers when asked for them. Why gives?


Posted - July 27, 2023


  • 16618
    Somebody tipped him off. Those aren't the real books, obviously. There's no mention of expenses for sammich makings, tilde polishing kits, harem guards and the amount of power it takes to keep the Anti-Vegemite Protection System operational at all times.
      July 27, 2023 5:30 AM MDT