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WasTrump right about Jesus and God?

Yesterday at a Cedar Rapids event Trump bad mouthed Biden and continued to harp on his unsubstantiated claim that the 2020 election was rigged. He even went further and said that “Jesus and God would declare him a winner now”. He also said “I think if you had a real election and Jesus came down and God came down and said - I’m gonna be the scorekeeper here. I think we’d win in California, I think we’d win in Illinois, and I think we’d win in New York.”

I think if God and Jesus kept score and told Trump he lost Trump wouldn’t except it. And then he would start bad mouthing Jesus and God and call them the radical deranged left and point to Jesus and say – you’re corrupt it’s no wonder why Judas turned you in. Cheers!



Posted - December 3, 2023


  • 11534
    Why do some people fail to see how unhinged this man is? He also said he is waging an all-out war on American democracy.  No matter how he and the MAGA morons try to spin it, it's one of the few truthful claims he has made.
      December 3, 2023 10:34 AM MST

  • 11389

    I noticed that when Trump said if Jesus came down and God came down and said - “I’m gonna be the scorekeeper here”- he might be saying that Jesus and God would make him the holly score keeper. If he was saying Jesus and God would be the score keepers he should of used the word "they" would be the score keepers. 
    I think if God and Jesus kept score and told Trump he lost Trump wouldn’t except it. And then he would start bad mouthing Jesus and God and call them the radical deranged left and point to Jesus and say – you’re corrupt it’s no wonder why Judas turned you in. Cheers and Merry Christmas!


    This post was edited by Nanoose at December 4, 2023 8:08 PM MST
      December 3, 2023 12:24 PM MST

  • 10052
    For real? He really said that?  Hahahahaha! He's a true gift to the world of comedy, isn't he? I'm sure there will be no shortage of Trump-themed compilations in the humor section at Barnes & Noble. That one is right up there with stating that he doesn't ask God for forgiveness because he never makes mistakes and referring to holy communion as "eating the little cracker and drinking the little wine". 

    This post was edited by SavvyAnsley at December 4, 2023 8:08 PM MST
      December 3, 2023 11:28 AM MST

  • 11389

    Trump will be in the humor section of my Christmas display this year too. Our son gave me a mechanical Santa that rolls around the floor while laughing and saying ho ho ho. So I am going to get a sheet or two of bristle board and write some of my Trump jokes on them. Then I will put the Santa in front of my jokes and it will look like he is rolling on the floor and laughing at my Trump jokes. Ideally I would like to make some Trump jokes that have a Christmas theme to them. Cheers and Merry Christmas!

      December 3, 2023 12:09 PM MST

  • 13277
    It doesn’t matter. Jesus’ divinity and God only exist only in the minds of those who believe they do.
      December 3, 2023 12:48 PM MST