I took my daughter to college this evening for their open evening.. we visited Politics, History, PE and Environmental Science .... ALL of them had displays and were talking about Trump.. Newspaper articles were everywhere.. they were all talking about the impact.. how are muslims in the states going to fare.. latinos... etc... I was surprised that it was also the topic under discussion among students but then again when you think about it, it makes sense given Trumps attitude towards the environment and pulling out of climate change obligations.
I have to say sorry Trump fans.. i heard not one positive word said in favour of him..students, tutors, posters, newspaper articles all very much of the same opinion.. it's a bad move..
I have no proof but i think much of the rest of the world are having similar reactions.
In UK colleges there is an oppressive climate of political correctness; even if anyone supported Trump they would be afraid to say so because they would be hounded out by the bullies. So much for academic freedom.
See the Spectator