Please note that this is not a political discussion and I am including this link because it got me thinking about whether diet really matters. These two senior citizens have demanding schedules and require lots of energy and stamina, but neither eats in a way that seems to support that based on conventional wisdom. I am looking for your views on your diet or diet in general, not on what you think about either person or what his diet says about him.
Sorry, but my anti-virus software won't allow access to that link.
However... every doctor and physical therapist I've been to have stressed that diet heavily influences how one functions.
A few examples -
* Sugar aggravates joint inflammation (such as arthritis).
* Excessive salt affects heart and vascular problems (which can lead to fatigue, a stroke or cause swollen limbs), as well as prostate problems (males).
* Excessive fat intake (e.g. junk food) can cause mental fogginess and fatigue.
* Lack of adequate protein intake reduces muscle mass (which gets harder to get back as one ages).
Hold on, you need more stress? I think I can help!
I just want to be able to contribute.
I know that diet is an extremely important factor in how we function, whether it be good diet promoting better functioning or poor diet detracting from our functioning. Diet is one of the three pronged basic approaches; diet, exercise, rest. Not only is an improper balance in any one of them bad for us, improper cross-connected imbalances among the three can also be very bad for us.
For instance, too much avocado, mayonnaise, or Vegemite . . . ok, ok, ok, I’m just joking on that very last line, but everything else was serious.
Keep in mind that peoples varying metabolisms also come into play here, and the normal changes that take place as we age are additional factors in why you and those two men have different results regardless of diet.
Elsewhere in this thread you have mentioned Joe’s physique and Don’s physique. Those are inherently natural to individual people, which further explains why yours isn’t similar to theirs even when considering dietary habits.
Oops, my mistake on who had mentioned it, sorry!