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Discussion » Questions » Transportation » Two-part question: what is an animal you have ridden, and what is a different animal you would like to ride some day?

Two-part question: what is an animal you have ridden, and what is a different animal you would like to ride some day?

For me, an animal I have ridden is a horse, I wouldn’t mind and might really enjoy riding a dolphin or porpoise.

Posted - August 29


  • 3343
    I have ridden a horse in camp and a camel and elephant at the Bronx Zoo.  I think I'd like to ride a dolphin or porpoise, too.  
      August 29, 2024 8:42 AM MDT

  • 10607
    I have ridden horses and Shetland ponies. I'm not a big fan of riding animals,  but if it were possible, safe, and not animal cruelty, it might be exciting to ride on a giant bird.
      August 29, 2024 12:00 PM MDT

  • 44501
    I have ridden horses. I would like to ride a whale shark.

      August 29, 2024 2:14 PM MDT

  • 33670
    I think I rode a horse when I was little.  Riding an elephant might be interesting.  
      August 29, 2024 4:47 PM MDT