Inspired by this other question that I posted in the Food and Drink category :
You’re killing me with the repeated references to avocado toast. Make up your mind; it’s either me or your pretend fascination with that swill, both can’t exist in your life at the same time.
I see that the Avocado Lobbyist have gotten you. What a shame: with all the cults out there that lure people in, you couldn’t fall for the Grammarians or the Sub-Basementites or the Tildests, could you? Grrrrrrrr.
Perchance a house call from Doctor Randolph D Randolph is exactly what you need. Certified in eight states (wanted for questioning by medical boards in eleven, facing indictments for impersonating a physician in four, fugitive from malpractice prosecution in twelve, and banned for practicing medicine without a license in nine, but let’s not digress), I can cure what ails you. Wink, wink.