I know Wel the though occured to me how careless..Hey BTW, I watch the the whole movie The Diary Of Anne Frank. No better movie made! BTW Welby, since before COVID weren't we friend until the insanity problem much like AIDS?:):):)
This post was edited by CosmicWunderkind at November 25, 2024 1:03 PM MST
Not sure of what inspired your question but, over the years, I've certainly noticed how this young driven person has really angered many people.
May have missed your logic about this other part of your reply -- I do know we've been friends on the site here a long time. You're still a friend to me, regardless if there is any insanity somewhere that I've failed to notice. :)
I did watch the also-excellent-to-me "The Diary of Anne Frank" movie. Once was enough. That entire phase of humanity is very difficult for me. But I've read a LOT about Anne Frank. And I'm uncomfortably, deeply, immensely upset that she is just one person out of countless, countless, countless human beings to whom those things happened.
And with Thanksgiving coming up - - like I've told you before, ALWAYS know that it was YOU whom I will always thank for finally getting me to watch "The Astounding She-Monster" movie. It freaked me out in the most wonderful ways in its understated approach, creepy-to-me way. Loved it. :)
Sure thing:) Lonely, lonely everybody lonely and so ready to excuse themselves. Learning can be brutal too. https://www.instantstreetview.com/@42.373336,-71.100384,256.42h,-3.45p,4z,vi-_BSXGlyzAKMTJrDIb-A