Maybe this.
Roses are red and violets are blue. But I wiped feces on the Capital walls so for the pardon I love you. XOX Salute.
Cheers and happy weekend!
Or maybe this one.
It has a cartoon train on the front and inside it say’s – Roses are red and violets are blue. But instead of democracy - I Choo Choo Choose You.
Cheers and happy weekend!
Well that would be a shame because the next one is pretty funny.
Maybe Trump will get a card from Josh Hawley that says – Roses are red and violets are blue. But when I was skedaddling down the hall – I was skedaddling for you. Cheers!
Maybe Trump will get a card from the guy that built the hang Mike Pence gallow and it will say -
Roses are red and violets are blue. I still have that gallow and would like to donate it to you. Cheers!