Discussion » Questions » Politics » Will Americans start to hold MAGA to account when they start losing their jobs and their investments start to tank?

Will Americans start to hold MAGA to account when they start losing their jobs and their investments start to tank?

Canada supplies 40% of US steel.
Canada supplies 80% of US potash.
Canada supplies 40% of US crude oil and 20% of US natural gas.
Canada supplies 30% of US hydroelectricity.
Canada supplies 24% of US lithium.

Canada supplies all this at discount rates in exchange for market access. A tariff war means that ALL US industries that rely on these materials will pay more for them. The US cannot possibly resource them locally in sufficient quantities to meet demand, the infrastructure doesn't exist to produce them.

Secondly, declaring a trade war on your greatest ally is a clear message to the rest of the world to NOT trust the USA. Who wants to do business with a country that does not keep its word and tears up trade agreements like the USMCA (which His Royal Orangeness HIMSELF signed in his first term) for no good reason?

Posted - February 14


  • 35124
    You made the claim.   Anyway Trump just did something with reciprocal tariffs including VAT.  So it should be the same now. 
      February 17, 2025 12:38 PM MST

  • 11595
    MAGA are Americans. Some of them are finding that Trump doesn't really care about them, some of them are still doing fine themselves and that's all they care about, and some of them would rather suffer than admit they were taken in. Anybody can fall for a scam, so let's focus on blaming the billionaires who are behind this instead.
      February 15, 2025 8:05 PM MST