Measles was declared eradicated in the US in 2000 due to the success of vaccines. Measles is extremely contagious without the vaccine, so even though it still can be brought here from other countries we didn't have outbreaks. However, when the ant-vax movement started, we began to see outbreaks again. RFK Jr. is a moron.
This post was edited by Jane S at March 3, 2025 7:47 PM MST
And more than a few are corrupt morons. Most MAGAs will only see reason when their Social Security is cut off along with their Medicaid.
This post was edited by my2cents at March 4, 2025 2:07 PM MST
I'm not a grammar police officer but whoever made that image would have made a stronger impact with me if "embarrassment" were correctly spelled. (But I'm not up-to-date on a lot of things and perhaps that spelling has a meaning of which I'm unfamiliar.)
Other than that, I'm sorry to hear of the death.
Yes, some of RFK Jr's statements seem to be incorrect.