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What would Joe 6-pack do?

What would Joe 6-pack do if his neighbor broke restraining orders -invaded his property and killed his friends and family?

What would Joe 6-pack do if his other neighbor offered to protect him (with no guaranties that he actually would) then demand that he gives him his hot tube?

What would Joe 6-pack do if the money he needed to protect his property was suddenly cut off?

What would Joe 6-pack do if his starlink system was cut off by a friend of the neighbor that invaded his property?

I think Joe 6-pack would say F that.



Posted - 2 hours ago


  • 35015
    This is partly why USA has the 2nd amendment.  
      March 4, 2025 8:19 AM MST

  • 11537
    After he says F that, Joe 6-pack would turn to neighbors who are not friends with the aggressor neighbor and who are more trustworthy to get help in saving his home, getting back his kidnapped children, and keeping the neighborhood safe for future generations. 
      March 4, 2025 9:17 AM MST

  • 11391

    Yep and after the neighborhood is safe again the neighbors will get together for a peaceful BBQ at Joe 6-packs house.

    And when the aggressive neighbor shows up and demands that they turn down the music – Velma will jump up and say - lets see who this monster really is. And when she pulls off his rubber mask they all gasp in astonishment and say – old man Trump from the Mar-a-Lago.


      March 4, 2025 10:13 AM MST