Discussion » Questions » Humor and Jokes » What's your joke of today?

What's your joke of today?

Posted - November 21, 2016


  • 10947
    I don't like Opera singers because I find them very self centered. There always standing around and saying - me - me - me - meeeeeeeeeeee.  Cheers!
      November 21, 2016 10:28 AM MST

  • 44540
    So this baby seal walks into a bar. The barkeeper asks him what he wants. "Anything but a Canadian Club." This post was edited by Element 99 at November 22, 2016 5:06 PM MST
      November 21, 2016 10:40 AM MST

  • 46117
    That is my kind of humor. 
      November 21, 2016 10:45 AM MST

  • 44540
    Sick minds think alike.
      November 21, 2016 11:04 AM MST

  • 46117
    Trump is still going to be President. Bad joke but a joke, nonetheless.
      November 21, 2016 10:48 AM MST

  • 326
    like a  drummer joke ...dave grohl
      November 23, 2016 12:55 AM MST

  • 7126
    Two men were talking. "So, how's your sex life?"
    "Oh, nothing special. I'm having Social Security sex."
    "Social Security sex?"
    "Yeah, you know, I get a little each month, but not enough to live on.”

      November 21, 2016 10:49 AM MST

  • 362
      November 22, 2016 5:07 PM MST

  • 326
      November 21, 2016 11:48 AM MST

  • 13395
    Old one but..

    Couple of guys were out hunting when one suddenly collapses and falls to the ground;  he is not breathing and his eyes are glazed. His buddy dials 9-1-1 and say "I think my buddy just died!"

    Operator replies "ok calm down sir, could you make sure he is dead"?

    A loud bang is heard. 

    Guy comes back and says "ok now what"?
      November 22, 2016 6:05 PM MST