Discussion » Questions » Politics » Trump is an INCURIOUS as we thought. He has TURNED DOWN his daily intelligence briefing. Doe he know MORE than the intelligence community

Trump is an INCURIOUS as we thought. He has TURNED DOWN his daily intelligence briefing. Doe he know MORE than the intelligence community


Pushed the button BEFORE I was ready.  But, you KNOW what I meant, doncha??

Trump has had only TWO briefings..  The intelligence community stands by every morning with them, but Trump shoos them out of the room.  We KNOW he doesn't TRUST them.  He SAID so.  Read it HERE.

WHERE is he getting his info?  Infowars. com?  Brietbart??  Drudge???  Is that worrisome to you??


PS>  In case the blue words aren't highlighted, http://www.ibtimes.co.in/donald-trump-declining-presidential-intelligence-briefings-705429

Posted - November 24, 2016


  • Doesn't that just say it all?? Be afraid, be very afraid - we all should as whatever America sends out in terms of nuclear or other weapons is going to  be detected and fired right back... that's the way it goes I am afraid cos weapons are only a deterrent if you dont use them..

    And i would have thought Trump needs all the *intelligence* he can get
      November 24, 2016 9:04 AM MST

  • 1233
    There is plenty of time to get up to speed on such matters before he takes office.

    Besides I'm sure he will need to replace some people before their briefings are worth listening to. Intelligence agencies take in huge amounts of information, analyse it and boil it down to give leaders briefings. It is not objective. It requires wisdom and integrity to interpret the information correctly. 

    Thinking one knows better than intelligence heads at the moment is no great boast. The last 15 years has been a story of MASSIVE intelligence failure. The Middle East is in complete chaos.

    I mean.. seriously... if you deliberately destabilize secular governments in the Muslim world, it doesn't take a genius analyst to foresee that the radicals might get a foot hold! They are either grossly incompetent or deliberating working against U.S. interests.

    Here is Trump commenting on intelligence in August.

    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ueh4Br6b7Is This post was edited by Zeitgeist at November 24, 2016 9:34 AM MST
      November 24, 2016 9:28 AM MST

  • with polite respect i have to observe.... if it takes, "wisdom and integrity" to interpret the Intelligence's intelligence... then Trump is stuffed then as from the observations and behaviour so far he has neither of those qualities :P
      November 24, 2016 9:36 AM MST

  • 1233
    Well I think he does have integrity, but I accept that's a matter of opinion.

    Though I don't understand how anyone could say he lacks wisdom. If he didn't have wisdom he simply couldn't have achieved what he has in life. He has incredible instincts. He has a track record of very good decisions.

    He said the wars in the middle east would go bad and so they did. I mean what bad judgment calls has he made?
      November 24, 2016 9:50 AM MST

  • Bless you. he was the son of a rich daddy.. he had everything handed to him I hear.. he is illmannered. no style.. and he is selfish.. not hard to be successful if you are willing to trample on anyone and everyone to get what you want.. he really hasnt achieved anything and as for winning the election.. well it's just unfortunate that a load of people were silly enough to believe a silly person... what can you do.. tho there again more voted for Hilary soooo
      November 24, 2016 9:57 AM MST

  • 1233
    Nonsense. His father was rich but nothing compared to what Trump has become. He turned a 10 million dollar loan from his Dad into 3.7 billion. Most people who try to start a business crash and burn. 

    This is just jealously taking. Typical sour grapes. You want to think that all rich people got rich by psychopathy because it protects your ego from the fact they're probably just smarter, wiser, stronger, more dynamic and just generally better than you.

    Entrepreneurs are not just motivated by greed and ego. They have a passion to build. People who see only greed and ego in building a huge empire and creating jobs for thousands of people, say it because greed and ego are the only things in their hearts. They have no idea what it means to build something.
      November 24, 2016 10:35 AM MST

  • LOL not nonsense :P he had it all handed to him.. ok so he built it up...yes but by often underhanded means... we know little of his business deals cos he wasn't that popular a topic before this..but i am betting there are a zillion bad judgements..ones where people were abused, misused, swindled and manipulated.. and that's what he's still doing. manipulating the stupid..
    Please don't turn this personal tho.. i have no need to be sour grapes and we have rich here too and i have no problem with them.. many of our rich have traditionally been great philanthropists.

    I am in an enviable position.. i can be objective.. i comment not from personal bias but from purely what i see.. when i see trump making an intelligent speech... when i see him doing GOOD rather than spouting narcissistic evil and hatred.. when i see him showing an ounce of class... I will start being impressed.. chances of that happening though are currently less than zero.. 
      November 24, 2016 10:46 AM MST

  • I believe his father paid a yearly sum of money into a trust for Donald from his birth, which amounted to three times the average US salary at the time.  That's aside from the 'startup' loans (more than one of these) and the bailouts.  Trump is as much a 'self-made man' as anyone is who comes from a supremely privileged background, (ie, not likely).
      November 24, 2016 11:28 AM MST

  • 3907
    Hello again, T:

    Of course, I think you're way off base.  But, I NOTICED that you posted WITHOUT insulting me or the left.  I appreciate that..

    Couple things..  If you THINK intelligence is biased, then it's NOT intelligence - it's PROPAGANDA.  Apparently, you think both Bush and Obama were PROPAGANDIZED.  IF that's what's happening, it would mean the intelligence community perpetrated a coup d'etat..  It's the ONLY thing that could mean.

    However, having once BEEN a member of the intelligence community, I can tell you that the objective is to reveal REAL intelligence - NOT just what we WANT the intelligence to be.  That both you and Trump INDICT the ENTIRE intelligence community is frightening.  That Trump wants his OWN intelligence briefing, as though it will be DIFFERENT from the one he is presented, is even scarier than that.

    It happened once before... Cheney was given ACCURATE intelligence regarding WMD's in Iraq.  But, it DIDN'T fit HIS narrative, so he MANIPULATED the intelligence to make it LOOK like Iraq was about to annihilate us.  Then he proceeded to PROPAGANDIZE Bush, and most everybody else, for that matter..

    Finally, I will remind you that it WASN'T the intelligence agencies who invaded the Middle East..  It was the president.. 

    excon This post was edited by excon at November 24, 2016 10:47 AM MST
      November 24, 2016 9:59 AM MST

  • 1233
    I'm not indicting the whole intelligence community. I didn't say that. Most intelligence people are just information gatherers who make no decisions at all. I'm sure most of the intelligence community are patriots. I was talking about senior people with the high level clearance.

    I believe some high level analysts have been very stupid and possibly corrupt. I'm not sure how much blame for the foreign policy failures are the poor judgement / corruption of intelligence people and how much is the poor judgement / corruption of politicians. 

    "That Trump wants his OWN intelligence briefing, as though it will be DIFFERENT from the one he is presented, is even scarier than that."

    You must distinguish between information and analysis. The raw data will be the same. The analysis won't be. Analysis requires judgment. It's not a precise science. The editing process is also problematic. To boil down all that data into the president briefing requires judgement. Someone has to decide what is worthy of the president's attention and what isn't. 

    The establishment is really pissed that Trump won and I strongly believe that establishment operatives will try to manipulate him into doing what the establishment wishes. Trump attended a couple of briefings. Obviously he wasn't impressed. I respect his judgment. He needs his people working on it. This post was edited by Zeitgeist at November 24, 2016 11:27 AM MST
      November 24, 2016 11:17 AM MST

  • 3907
    Hello again, Trumpster:

    "I'm not indicting the whole intelligence community."

    Sure you are..  You have a fundamental MISUNDERSTANDING of what intelligence IS.. 

    The intelligence briefing is about what IS - NOT what to DO about it.  Because what to DO about it, is POLITICAL. Therefore, the briefing contains NO recommendations.  It's simply a report about the STATE of the world at that moment..  And, it's the ENTIRE intelligence community speaking to the president in ONE voice..  

    IF there were recommendations, then I'd agree with you about wisdom and judgment..  But, the analysis you speak of is NOT to determine what to DO.  It's about determining what IS.

    Lemme say this again, that Trump wants HIS own intelligence briefing, as though it's gonna be DIFFERENT than what the agencies would present, is truly FRIGHTENING..

    This post was edited by excon at November 24, 2016 11:59 AM MST
      November 24, 2016 11:50 AM MST

  • 1233
    Ok, then we are talking at crossed purposes. If the daily briefings are purely factual I'm sure he will attend when less busy organizing the transition. He still has plenty of time to get up to speed.

    In the video I posted Trump is clearly not talking about objective facts. He is talking about who he will take counsel from about policy. It is completely reasonable that he would not take counsel from people unless he is sure of their loyalty to him and their competence. This post was edited by Zeitgeist at November 24, 2016 3:51 PM MST
      November 24, 2016 3:49 PM MST

  • While he is not yet President, I do have one small observation: how is Trump going to find out about anything new or important if he doesn't listen to his briefings?  Government relies on people with knowledge and information giving this to the relevant people, among whom I must assume is the President and President-to-be.  If Trump doesn't do the job (not just do it badly, but not bother at all) things have the capacity to get out of hand really quickly.

    I must take issue with the 'intelligence failure' bit of your post.  Western intelligence, most notably UK and US, has been remarkably successful in preventing numerous attacks (unless one chooses to think the security services make up entire events).  When they happen, failures like the grim events in Paris for example can be traced to inadequate communication between national security services rather than failures from within individual agencies.

    While you are correct about the chaos in the Middle east, this did not come about due to an intelligence problem or even a succession of them, but an ideological one.  Bush was warned, Blair was warned (repeatedly) but both decided to ignore the advice, which was not whispered or hidden by government employees.  .  Senior politicians resigned over the decision in favour of regime change in the Middle East.  That's a political failure, not a security one, and came about due to not listening to the people who actually matter, rather than the people who 'really matter'.  Which is too close for comfort to not sitting for your security briefings.

    I did watch the video, which was impressive in no way whatsoever.  Sorry.  :)
      November 24, 2016 2:02 PM MST

  • 5808
    For the people
    for the country...
    ...He walks a strange dangerous path
      November 24, 2016 9:41 AM MST

  • 46117
    This is ONLY the beginning.  He probably went to one already and didn't like the position he was forced to employ.

    Like SHUTTING UP AND LISTENING for a change.
      November 24, 2016 10:01 AM MST