Discussion » Questions » Emotions » Do you have any little indulgence, something you don't really need to do but you do it anyway because you like it or it makes you smile?

Do you have any little indulgence, something you don't really need to do but you do it anyway because you like it or it makes you smile?

And no i wasn't meaning anything rude   Just a little thing you do cos you can and you want to.. but it isn't necessary, and it doesn't really add anything particularly to your life. It doesn't impress anyone else - it's just for you?

For me it's really a silly thing.. I paint my nails, well gel nails.. and they make me smile.. they don't DO anything.. i just like them :)  

Lol something you don't have to do... like I HAVE to detest Trump but i don't HAVE to paint my nails, it's an indulgence. 

Posted - November 25, 2016


  • Drink and smoke
      November 25, 2016 3:00 PM MST

  • Good vices to choose and a cool song..not heard that before thank you 
      November 25, 2016 3:04 PM MST

  • Welcome.  It's Hank William's grandson.
      November 25, 2016 4:17 PM MST

  • 11410
    I'm with you on the nail polish. I love to change the color every couple of days.
      November 25, 2016 4:24 PM MST

  • ahh you and your accusations of prudishness.. lol if even half those who are accused of being prudish actually were.... well mostly they arent.. they just don't happen to like what you like..doesnt make them prudish..

    Personally i have no problem with erotica or even porn as such other than to say that porn especially is said to be responsible for a lot of worrying things we are seeing.. this isnt an adult forum so i hope i will be forgiven.. but.. to name a few.. a) young men, (and prob older too) are increasingly being treated for erectile dysfunction and it's considered to be because of the ease of access and over use of porn.. it becomes addictive and they rely on the very highly stimulating and generally unrealistic stuff and so when they come to do it for real they find its just not as exciting and a lot less glamour than porn.. b) and this one worries me way more... that porn is often unfavourable to women.. it very very often portrays women as pretty objects who do all the things men want.. they please the man they do all the things men want.. but very rarely is it reciprocated... 

    I had a friend who used to send me porn clips... one time i said to him.. do you notice something about all these clips you sent me? no he said.. I replied.. well the women in them didnt get to orgasm ONCE.. not once.. he had never noticed. and i think thats the danger.. this has implications for men.. as in unrealistic expectation which would eventually mean that no woman is going to stay with them if she does all the pleasing.. and he is selfish cos he thinks that's how it goes.. and it has implications for women too..

    More than that.. way worse imo.. is that porn has been linked to an increase in violence and sexual assault against young women.. by young men..  it's believed that porn, and some of it is pretty hard core.. shows these women in fairly passive pleasing or submissive roles where they do all these thigns to please men while gettign little back.. and i)young men in turn see women in this light.. as little more than providers of sex and sexual entertainment.. and if they dont get it and sometimes inspired by porn men get angry and abuse phsically... it's worrying for young girls too.. who see porn and think this is how they have rto or are expected to behave...

    SO i am not anti porn.. but it's perhaps not quite as harmless as we might think... esp as often the novelty wears off and people turn to trying to make it happen in real.. and i dont mind a bit of erotica and for sure no one ever said sex is bad.. 
      November 25, 2016 4:44 PM MST

  • You make some interesting observations.. you would be cool to chat to at length about things... a few things to clarify then.. I never said i was against porn.. as long as people realise it's not real.. just unrealistic fantasy...  Inever ever ever ever said i was anti sex.. indeed quite the opposite - I have led a VERY interesting and pretty awesomely sexual life.. but porn isnt sex perse is it..it's visual entertainment... like movies but erm more specific in their effects :P  SO i dont object to sex. and i dont think it's bad in anyway.. yes bad things can happen in the name of sex...and in the name of porn but they are two different things really...
    Smoking and drinking.. harms yourself, (Ok accepted passive smoking harms others, drink driving and drunken violence harms others) so they are personal choice which mostly harms only you IF at all.. drinking in moderation is a GOOD thing.. many health benefits of  red wine for instance!!  The point youmake about far more health benefits.. well lol you aren't perhaps taking into account the full costs of sex related health problems are you :P I wont go into detail here :P But the numbers of people treated for objects inserted where they shouldnt be and getting stuck is a health cost :P  Prostitution, violence against women, rape, (that includes men as does violence) is often sex related.. child abuse, sexual abuse, sometimes, arguably porn related as in child pornography that's definitely encouraged as are many of the more violent forms of porn - they do encourage real stuff too...so while i am not anti porn and definitely not anti sex...they do have the same or more costs too..we just dont usually take that into consideration.. 

    I am still going to disagree with you on the prudish tag tho.. making all the points above are not prudish. I am not prudish - it's not prudishness that causes the objection it's other elements.. as i outlined, the unreality, the sometimes extreme forms of porn causing real difficulties re women and men, etc etc.. that's not prudishness.. happy to talk via personal message if you want to continue but I assure you I am way way far from prudish and if i say stuff it's sometimes because I am erm more experienced in this area than many 
      November 26, 2016 3:49 AM MST

  • 13395
    I take my friend's cat out for walks several times a week.  I don't have my own cat anymore Hunter is an outdoor cat and she is a bit disabled;  I am retired and I like being outside so it gives me something to do for a few hours.at a time. That's kind of entertaining for me and Angel does appreciate me doing that.
      November 25, 2016 4:45 PM MST

  • 5808
    you betcha
      November 25, 2016 5:17 PM MST

  • Yes
      November 25, 2016 5:18 PM MST

  • 23798
    I tried thinking of an answer that falls under your criteria but everything that came close to an answer for me was also something that, indeed, added something of value to my life --  even seemingly meaningless things - -  if I enjoy them, then they have added pleasure to my life and that's an important thing.

    I do get the gist of your question and perhaps I'm just taking it all too literally.
    In any case, it was fun thinking of stuff! This post was edited by WelbyQuentin at November 25, 2016 7:00 PM MST
      November 25, 2016 5:42 PM MST

  • 46117
    My birds.  They make me smile. 
      November 25, 2016 5:43 PM MST

  • 46117
    Nuka, Kola, Mellow and Yellow.  Those are my birds.
      November 25, 2016 7:59 PM MST

  • 46117
    Yellow is aptly named.  Yellow is all yellow. Mellow is anything BUT Mellow.  Mellow is horny and just has to get it on everytime he sees Nuka. 

    Poor Nuka.  She lays a lot of eggs.  Thank goodness they are not hatching.  I cannot deal with more than four of these guys. 
      November 25, 2016 8:08 PM MST

  • Ale.
      November 25, 2016 7:37 PM MST

  • 604
    i'm an autograph collector; started in 1954 when I was 13!!!!!  (yikes!!) and stopped in the early 1980's....

    every so often I'll take the albums out and go over them; each one brings back many fond memories; the majority I got in person, some I wrote to the person.........whenever anyone appears on Broadway they ALWAYS answer requestsa for autographs; only thing is, you MUST enclose a stamped, self-addressed envelope......works every time.........(that's in case anyone might want to to it!!)

    The only ANNOYING trend is that the last few I got were signed with SHARPIES which are the most disgusting thing for writing ever!!!

    I prefer a good old ballpoint pen.......oh well, progress,I guess!!!!

      December 13, 2016 8:09 AM MST