I think of that as more of a young female thing than a millennial thing.
Linguists call this phenomenon High Rising Terminal and it is not unique to Millenials.
When I was doing research about Valley Girls and "Valleyspeak" (which emerged in the early 1980s as a confluence of several linguistic trends from the 1970s or earlier), I found one of the major characteristics of Val Speak was the High Rising Terminal. Moreover, I found reports suggesting it is quite common in Australia and, having the phenomon brought to my attention, I started noticing how common it is among Hawaii residents, particularly those with major exposure to Pidgin (Hawaii Creole English).
I don't recall any definitive explanation for why the High Rising Terminal emerges. One hypothesis I do recall is that the rising terminal is a way of "softening" declarative statements and inviting response even if the response is not entirely in agreement.
It's an effect of weed use.
I saw "Valleyspeak"and now I can't get that
damn song out of my head...Moon Unit Zappa if I remember
What my research suggested was Frank Zappa wrote the song NOT so much to make fun of how "Valley Girls" spoke, but to lampoon the shallow self-absorbed materialistic mindset of teenage girls in the more affluent areas of the San Fernando Valley, who happened (at that time) to reliably use "Valleyspeak."
If M.U. Zappa's friends/acquaintances had said things like, "Oh my GOD! That President Reagan is, like, totally too confrontational with the Soviet Union. He needs to, like, chill out and adopt a more accommodating posture, fer sure...", Frank Zappa likely never would have written the song.
Those are Valley Millenials. Their parents were Gen Xer's.
Fer Sure Fer SURE!!!!?
After more than 30 years of smoking weed, I can assure you this is not the case. :)
Nope. They all do it.
fer sure fer sure, I mean, like I still remember my 5th grade teacher's phone number from the 60's man. Euclid 3 - 0255.
And I never even called the woman. That is how smert I am with all that weed up in me stored in my rotted shell of a carcass, that once-brilliant mind of mine. It permanently disabled me. And I thank God for it every day.
I don't even smoke any more because I forgot to. I am stone-free. Actually, as you can see, stoners are/were brilliant people. We are none the worse for wear, trust me. Not burnt out yet.