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Discussion » Questions » Politics » HAHA Thanks Donald. Thanks to you, FBI is not recommending charges against Hillary. Glad you cleared that one up for us?

HAHA Thanks Donald. Thanks to you, FBI is not recommending charges against Hillary. Glad you cleared that one up for us?

What a moron.  Now what?  He just cleared her name.

Posted - July 5, 2016


  • 35073

    How did Trump effect the FBI investiagation?

      July 5, 2016 11:38 AM MDT

  • 46117

    Because he wouldn't shut UP about it for the last year?   That was all the GOP had. That was all Trump's big mouth had.

    Now what?  Is the FBI lying too?    It never ends with this PIG.

      July 5, 2016 11:39 AM MDT

  • 35073

    Lying to the American people is not illegal for a politicain.  It is called Puffery.

    It was proven that she did lie to us about Benghazi.  She told us it was a protest over a Utube video that got out of control.  But there is an email the day after the attack from Hillary to Chelsi telling her is was a terrorist attack.

      July 5, 2016 11:48 AM MDT

  • 503

    Trump started crying " illegal, corrupt, crooked, and rigged" , right after he got his foot out of his mouth !

      July 5, 2016 12:49 PM MDT