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Discussion » Questions » Legal » Eminent Domain works for Real Property only. PET needs a law to cover confiscating personal property. THEN he can take what he wants. Right?

Eminent Domain works for Real Property only. PET needs a law to cover confiscating personal property. THEN he can take what he wants. Right?

I mean you may have nifty autos or yachts or art or rare books or priceless antiques or jewelry. What PET want PET get. After all he will be prez and that entitles him to anything he can get away with. If he needs laws to sanction it bingo! The toady House and Senate majorities will deny him nothing. See what y'all got to look forward to?

Posted - December 6, 2016


  • 6988
    I have some Eminent Domain power lines on my property. I guess President Taft was already here once back around 1913 or so. 
      December 6, 2016 1:28 PM MST