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Discussion » Questions » Politics » Dear blind Right-Wing TeaBag denialists: Let's hear your studied argument as to why it is okay for Trump not to show us his income tax returns? Because he is NOT Hillary?

Dear blind Right-Wing TeaBag denialists: Let's hear your studied argument as to why it is okay for Trump not to show us his income tax returns? Because he is NOT Hillary?

If she dared to pull this one, Trump would be all over it. 

How come he gets a free pass?

Posted - July 6, 2016


  • 46117

    Yes, but that doesn't eliminate tax returns or paperwork regarding such.

      July 8, 2016 11:40 AM MDT

  • 46117


    You really are saying this seriously. That is what baffles me.  That you think it is okay to say stuff like this and pass it off as making sense.

    Dishonesty does NOT equate to businessman.   I know people like you are mystified and in awe of those with enough money to tie up courts and waste the taxpayer's time hiding their assets and it all seems so OKAY because those are the big guys and we little ones do not understand business.

    I do understand.  He is a crook and a stupid thief who thinks he is entitled to screw with everyone because he knows how to play the game.  Well the game does not include fooling the entire nation.  He is a danger.  He is a liar and not even a GOOD  businessman as you fondly call him.  His gaffes are legendary and only impress those like you who think his money and how he obtained it must be over your head.  Since you don't have his money.   If you could be as smart as Trump, you are saying, you would have money too?  You deserve to have a president like this. I do not.

    He is a CEO of his own ego.

      July 8, 2016 11:43 AM MDT

  • How much money has Obama spent? Yet you don't complain about that. Trump is nothing compared to both Hillary and Obama.

      July 8, 2016 11:57 AM MDT

  • 46117

    We KNOW every DIME Obama has spent.  GOOGLE it.

    We know every DIME TRUMP has hidden.  GOOGLE it.

      July 8, 2016 12:19 PM MDT

  • 46117

    It is NOT the point.

    The POINT is TRUMP's braying at every turn about what other people are doing when HE will not disclose anything because he cannot. 

    PERIOD.  Nothing to argue about.    I didn't read you comment.  I can't stand listening after the first sentence.  Sorry.

      July 8, 2016 12:20 PM MDT

  • 380
    @DJAM, anti-establishment or not that's how many see Trump. They also believe that he's a true conservative. For me, I know he's not a conservative.
      July 8, 2016 6:15 PM MDT