Discussion»Questions»Human Behavior» Do you love being right so much that you would be willing to admit being wrong and change your mind in light of new information?
I've been known to change my mind about a thing or two. I try to respect the opinions of others, even if I don't understand them. I know that life isn't fair, but it seems that thinking that it should be is the underlying idea that governs most of my opinions. I understand that others have different perspectives, though.
Actually being right and merely thinking oneself is right are two vastly different things. Lots of people who won't budge even when they're wrong are just digging in their heels.
Don't bother to challenge me on this: I know I'm right.
No one likes to be proven wrong, but when one is they should handle it with grace and humility. When one can't handle it, it is a waste of time to try. There have been times I wish I had been proven wrong because it would have saved me from a lot of heartaches.