I sometimes put flavoring in my water if I want juice taste. I usually buy crystal light.
I never put any kind of flavoring. I prefer the flavor of pure filtered water :)
A nice squeeze of lime.
Yes. I don't like just plain water. I want flavor. I like to use Dasani Flavor enhancers... Strawberry Kiwi mixed with Pineapple Coconut.
I usually drink it plain, but sometimes I flavor it.
You wrote.."if I want juice taste. I usually buy crystal light" (Ditto here..peach flavored ice tea)
I don't usually like the taste of plain water (unless it's well-filtered and very cold).
Typically, I'll mix it with fruit juice or something like Gatorade (2 parts water to 1 part other drink, or thereabouts).
Yes Crystal Light, sometimes cucumber too, so good.
always plain, but in this moment I add two tablespoon of apple cider vinegar to a glass of water
I usually drink it plain, but sometimes I like to put a fresh lemon in it
i just buy bottles of tea and stuff like that to drink