I was told she was "run off" and I lost it. Nothing runs that woman off. So, I want to know what is behind this. I thought you were on board with her being on the home page, but when she disappeared, I made up my own bad Conspiracy Theory.
I am relieved I am wrong. I am glad the Mug didn't send her somewhere else and I am sorry she took offense enough to stop. I hope she comes back. She is a hoot. Even when she hates me she is a hoot.
It's great not seeing one political question after another. It's great not seeing PET this and PET that. Having a one subject question list is not superior intellect; it is the opposite.
You won't be the only one who made a jump conclusion inside this post, or in history for that matter. It's just another lesson in life. All my best to Rosie and her health.