Discussion»Questions»Life and Society» What was the last question that you read, heard, and/or answered that inspired you to come up with yet another question?
You've answered this previously? Wow, I didn't realize, because as far as I knew, it received zero answers. You have a good memory: I posted it in April. ~
I replied saying my question was inspired by one from flipper. The original question said something like "eight more days till the election. Is the excitement building" and my question was "eight more days till the election. Is the excrement building". Remember it now?
I guess it's a glitch. Thrifty, sharon and I replied. And you replied to mine with "hahaha". And it shows we replied in October, not April.
This post was edited by ProblemCh1ld at December 22, 2016 6:33 AM MST