When I first started hearing about a possible arms race I got scarred. Then I heard about the nice Christmas letter Putin sent Trump and I thought - good maybe it's a sign of peace. Then I heard that Putin said he would visit the United States if he was invited and again I thought good. Then I started thinking what if it's just a diabolical Russian first strike plan and then my imagination really started running amuck. I was thinking stuff like what if Putin convinces Trump that since their friends there's no need for such heavy security and then they get Trump and the guy with the launch codes in a room and prevent Trump from giving the launch order to retaliate for the incoming Russian missals - I was also thinking that the Russians would send a Putin look a like. So what I would like to know is does the secret serves have the power to say no Sir your not going in that room even if Trump insists. Cheers, Merry Christmas and happy New Year!