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Should we take the Bible literal when it says the heavens and earth are stored up for fire?

Is there a danger that you might misunderstand something that you have read in the Bible It happens to many people. Consider the above common misunderstanding.

Posted - January 7, 2017


  • There is always a danger of misunderstanding.
    It is part of the nature of being human and fallible that we often don't know when we are wrong until after the fact.
    And we often don;t know what we don't know.
    There could be many ways of interpreting the idea that the heavens are full of fire.
    One possible one is that every star is composed of fire, including our sun.

      January 7, 2017 2:52 PM MST

  • When a planet or sun dies, it usually explodes...I guess if you look at it that way, it's correct.
      January 7, 2017 3:04 PM MST

  • So when you read or hear people talk about that scripture, is there a fear that the earth will be destroyed?
      January 7, 2017 3:22 PM MST

  • 2657
    Interesting article:

    • Some take the Bible literally when it states that the heavens and the earth are “reserved for fire,” and they conclude that God will destroy this planet. (2 Peter 3:7) But God promises that he will never allow the literal earth to be destroyed. God “has established the earth on its foundations; it will not be moved from its place forever and ever.” (Psalm 104:5; Isaiah 45:18) It is this corrupt world system of things, not the literal planet, that will meet its permanent end, as if destroyed by fire. As for the heavens, when the word is meant literally, it may refer either to the sky, the starry universe, or God’s place of dwelling. None of these will be destroyed.


    As you can see from those examples, people often misunderstand passages they read in the Bible. But why would God allow that to happen? Some might reason: ‘If God is all-wise and all-knowing, he could have provided us with a book so clearly written that everyone would easily understand it. Why did he not do that?’ Consider three reasons why the Bible is often misunderstood.

    1. The Bible is designed to be understood by those who are humble and willing to learn. Jesus said to his Father: “I publicly praise you, Father, Lord of heaven and earth, because  you have carefully hidden these things from wise and intellectual ones and have revealed them to young children.” (Luke 10:21) The Bible is written in such a way that only those with the right attitude would understand its message. People with a proud attitude—a common trait of “wise and intellectual ones”—tend to misunderstand the Bible. But people who read the Bible with the attitude of “young children”—humble and eager to learn—are rewarded with a better understanding of God’s message. How skillfully God has designed the Bible!

    2. The Bible is directed to people who honestly want God’s help to understand it. Jesus showed that people would need help to understand fully what he taught. How would they receive it? Jesus explained: “The helper, the holy spirit, which the Father will send in my name, that one will teach you all things.” (John 14:26) So God provides his holy spirit—his powerful active force—to help people understand what they read in the Bible. However, God withholds his spirit from people who do not rely on him to help them, so the Bible often seems obscure to them. The holy spirit also moves more knowledgeable Christians to come to the aid of those seeking greater understanding.—Acts 8:26-35.

    3. Some Bible passages can be understood by humans only at the proper time in history. For example, the prophet Daniel was told to write down a message for the future. An angel told him: “Daniel, keep the words secret, and seal up the book until the time of the end.” Over the centuries, many people have read the Bible book of Daniel but could not really understand it. In fact, even Daniel himself did not understand some of what he wrote down. He humbly admitted: “I heard, but I could not understand.” Eventually, people would correctly understand God’s prophecy written down by Daniel, but only at the particular time in history that God selected. The angel explained: “Go, Daniel, because the words are to be kept secret and sealed up until the time of the end.” Who will understand God’s messages? “None of the wicked will understand; but those having insight will understand.” (Daniel 12:4, 8-10) So God does not reveal the meaning of certain Bible passages until the right time arrives.

    Has timing ever caused Jehovah’s Witnesses to misunderstand the Bible? Yes. But when God’s time came to make matters clearer, the Witnesses readily adjusted their understanding. They believe that they thereby imitate Christ’s apostles, who humbly adjusted their thinking whenever Jesus corrected them.—Acts 1:6, 7.

    A little girl’s fanciful ideas about where clouds come from may be just a small misunderstanding. However, what the Bible teaches is of major importance to you. The Bible’s message is too important for anyone to try to understand on his own by private Bible reading. So seek help to understand what you are reading. Seek out those who study the Bible with a humble attitude, people who rely on God’s holy spirit to understand the Bible, people who are convinced that we are living at a point in history when God wants us to understand the Bible as never before. Do not hesitate to speak with Jehovah’s Witnesses or to read their careful research on the website. The Bible promises: “If you call out for understanding . . . , you will find the knowledge of God.”—Proverbs 2:3-5.

      January 13, 2017 6:30 AM MST

  • I can't think of a single book that doesn't use literary devices such as metaphors and symbolism. Why fundamentalists expect any different from scripture, I'll never know.
      January 19, 2017 4:59 AM MST