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Discussion » Questions » Health and Wellness » Do you think that the 4 black kids who really bothered the disabled white kid were normal but didn't know how to ask for help?

Do you think that the 4 black kids who really bothered the disabled white kid were normal but didn't know how to ask for help?

Did they in their right minds actually ever think they would not be caught and charged. Of course not. Facebook yet!

Posted - January 7, 2017


  • 5808
    Dumb and inhumane 
    sad situation 
    Typical kids awareness?
    sure hope not.
      January 7, 2017 5:06 PM MST

  • I really don't care one way or the other. I don't care if they had a difficult life or if they were loved by their parents. It doesn't matter if they were normal. That doesn't give them the right to do something so horrible. Throw the book at them. *Rant over*
      January 7, 2017 6:01 PM MST

  • Good 1
      January 7, 2017 6:18 PM MST

  • 34938
    I hope that is not normal for Chicago people. 
    It was evil and they should go to prison for along time. 
      January 7, 2017 6:46 PM MST

  • 3934
    @m2c -- Perhaps you should review the results of the Milgram and Stanford Prison experiements.

    It's not TEH STOOPID EBIL, LIBRUHLZ FROM CHICAGO who are prone to this. It's people. You, me, your next door neighbor, the F***ING HADJIS half a world away or, yes, a group of young African-Americans.

    Set up the right conditions, and people will feel entitled to abuse the perceived "subhuman" outgroup.

    Get back to us when you want to send the torturers in our "War on Terror" to prison for a long time, or own up to your F***ING HYPOCRISY.
      January 7, 2017 7:24 PM MST

  • 34938
    The question asked if they were not normal....anyone who can do that is not normal. They are evil. Don't care what some study says. There is no excuse. If you believe that is normal behavior, I feel sorry for that you live in such a sad world. In my world normal people don't at like that unless they have issues. But still no excuse for that behavior. 

    I have never defended torture. Even of your F.... Hadjis...(again your words not mine) So no need in deflecting there. 

    I do not believe anyone is subhuman. 
    Again I don't use the words stupid evil liberals....from Chicago. Or describe anyone as subhuman. Those are as always your words.
      January 7, 2017 7:39 PM MST

  • 3934
    @M2C -- from your original post...

    "I hope that is not normal for Chicago people"

    As if "Chicago" people are somehow different from you, me or your next-door neighbor.

    You were absolutely ready to jump on the Kin Selection/Dehumanize the Other bandwagon...just like the "evil" Chicagoans who kidnapped and tortured a member of their perceived outgroup.

    Yes, I do live in a sad world. It's a world full of imperfect people who, under the right conditions, can turn into warmongers, torturers, Nazi collaborators, etc., and other imperfect people, like you, who are too blinded by ideology or religion to see that obvious empirical truth. You'd rather stick your fingers in your ears and shout, "La La La! WE are Good/Normal. THEY are Evil/Abnormal!"

    You are welcome back in the Reality-Based Community at any time.
      January 7, 2017 7:51 PM MST

  • 10052
    Normal, as in without a legitimate psychiatric diagnosis of some sort? None of us knows that for sure, but I seriously doubt if they are.

      January 7, 2017 9:13 PM MST

  • 22891
    no, there was nothing normal about what they did
      January 7, 2017 9:17 PM MST