Sites like answerMug are so entertaining and potentially so creative that they can become addictive. Certainly they're habit-forming. In your opinion is it a good habit or a bad one?
It's a good habit for the most part! I get to relax here and that's nice.Seem to be good people and I like it. Gives me more time for my projects. Good habit for sure.
That's a sore point at the moment, Rooster. My left eye isn't the best at any time and I have a burst blood vessel in the right eye. Makes reading anything difficult. At least with the computer I can increase the size of the page. I've seen an optometrist who sent me on to an ophthalmologist, and when I go back next month he's going to inject it.Not a particularly pleasant thought but better than not being able to read.
Anything can be overdone, Skunky, but I've been doing this in one place or another for almost seven years. It's allowed me to understand the way ordinary Americans think far more quickly than any other means except living among them. And that's valuable. (Not just Americans, of course, but they do tend to dominate the Q&A sites.)
I think that if one's online life prevents them from being present in, fully enjoying and engaging in "real" life, it's more of a bad habit. Other than that, I think that it's fine.
Oh, I dunno. What about, "Sorry, love, I can't cut the grass, I'm talking to Pearl." If she has to cut it herself that'll help to keep her fit. Surely that's a good thing. :)